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The meteorological outlook is calm, yet the snow is undergoing dissolution.

The Ostrava chemical facility is submerged in water.
The Ostrava chemical facility is submerged in water.

The meteorological outlook is calm, yet the snow is undergoing dissolution.

Things are looking up in the evening, according to meteorologist Carlo Pfaff. In Bavaria, the rain will persist until Tuesday, but after that, there won't be any further concerns. However, Pfaff warns that the water levels in Bavaria might rise again before then. The rise in water levels might not surpass the recent high points, but Pfaff cautions about the potential entry of additional water due to potential dam breaks. There's also uncertainty about the impending snowmelt, as the water from it won't provide the relief we'd like to see in the water levels.

21:05: Unidentified Man Found Dead in Austria

Another body has been discovered in the flood-affected areas of Austria. If it's confirmed as a flood victim, the death toll will rise to four. According to a police spokesperson, the body was that of an unidentified man between the ages of 40 and 50. The body was found face down in the water at the Strandbad in Klosterneuburg, Lower Austria. An autopsy will determine the cause of death. On Sunday, a firefighter died while pumping out a basement. On Monday, the bodies of two elderly men were found, having been swept away by the floodwaters in their homes.

20:37: Dresden's Water Levels - Official Comments on the Collapsed Carol Bridge

The part of the Carol Bridge in Dresden that lies in the Elbe is not affecting the rising water level, according to the city of Dresden. "The water level is not being influenced by the bridge section," says René Herold, head of the Dresden Environmental Office. This is evident in the water level at the Dresden gauge, which is located on the neighboring Augustus Bridge downstream. There, a level of 5.73 meters was recorded in the afternoon. The highest level is expected to be reached on Wednesday, but it's still unclear exactly how high it will be. However, it's expected to be around six meters, which is less than initially feared. While the collapsed bridge section does affect the flow speed of the Elbe downstream, Herold says this is "manageable." The situation will be balanced out again by the next bridge.

20:08: Cautious Optimism in Pirna

Given the latest flood forecasts, the Pirna district administration sees a slight improvement in the situation on the Elbe. The slower rise in the water level gives rise to "cautious optimism," but it's still too early for a complete all-clear, according to a statement. The Elbe level in Schöna currently shows just over 6 meters, which is Alarm Stage 3. The state flood control center expects the flood peak in the middle range of Alarm Stage 3, between 6 meters and 7.50 meters, on Wednesday morning - the average here is 1.58 meters. The forecast has changed several times in recent days due to balancing of water levels on the Czech side of the Elbe through the operation of weirs. No significant rainfall is expected in the coming days.

Aerial drone captures the extent of the flooding in Ostrava.

19:50: Lower Saxony Expects Higher Elbe Water Levels by the Weekend

Experts predict higher water levels on the Elbe in Lower Saxony in the coming days due to heavy rain and flooding in the Czech Republic and Poland. The current wave of high water reaching Saxony will cause significantly rising water levels on the central Elbe in Lower Saxony by the end of this week, according to the responsible state authority for water management, coastal protection, and nature conservation (NLWKN) in Lüneburg. A major flood like those in 2002, 2006, or 2013 is not expected based on current forecasts from the Elbe High Water Forecast Center in Magdeburg. The conditions for the expected higher water levels are currently favorable, with water levels on the Lower Saxon section of the Elbe being relatively low at present. Experts from the state authority also expect rainfall to subside and no significant inflows from tributaries of the Elbe.

19:19: Brandenburg Prepares for Flooding

Some regions along the Oder in Brandenburg are expected to be on high flood alert this week. In Ratzdorf, Eisenhüttenstadt, and Frankfurt (Oder), the alert level 1 is expected to be issued from Wednesday or Thursday. "The wave is still coming," says a spokesperson for the State Office for the Environment (LfU). Water levels are rising sharply, with the highest alert level 4 expected at the Ratzdorf gauge on Sunday. This Sunday is also election day in Brandenburg. Counties are preparing for a critical flood situation. Dikes are expected to prevent flooding and damage. A crisis team will meet in Frankfurt (Oder) on Tuesday.

18:52: Tusk Condemns Looting - Aid Funds Promised

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has announced that aid funds of one billion Zloty (around 240 million Euros) will be made available to flood victims in the southwest of the country. He also stated that there will be support for the rebuilding of destroyed houses. Affected individuals can submit applications to local authorities immediately, Tusk said at the crisis meeting in Wrocław (Wrocław). He will also speak with his counterparts in Austria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia later today to jointly seek EU funds to tackle the flood damage. Tusk also mentioned reports of looting in the flood areas and announced a tough stance against those exploiting the situation.

Suspension of Train Services: The Czech city of Ostrava's train services in and out are currently unavailable.

18:21 Dramatic Scenes in Lower Austria: Lady Saved, Partner LostThe critical flood situation continues across various nations, leading to an increased death toll. At least 16 individuals have perished in the disastrous floods, spanning from Poland to Austria. In Untergrafendorf, Lower Austria, a woman miraculously escaped the sudden surge of floodwaters by climbing to the first floor of her house. Regrettably, her husband failed to do the same. For hours, she allegedly called for help but remained unheard. Tragically, the body of her 70-year-old husband was later discovered, making him the third casualty in Austria.

18:02 German Firefighters' Association: Germany Ready for FloodingThe German Firefighters' Association (DFV) asserts that Germany is well-equipped to tackle approaching floods. In an interview with "Rheinische Post," DFV president Karl-Heinz Banse expresses, "We are generally well-prepared in Germany for flood situations – this is also due to recent events." Beyond learning from previous heavy rain incidents in Ahr Valley and North Rhine-Westphalia, the ongoing flood situations in various parts of Germany have further strengthened preparations. Planning in the affected regions is ongoing – "teams are being mobilized, sandbags are being prepared, weather data is being monitored." Furthermore, the population is being informed, allowing them to prepare accordingly.

17:30 "Disheartening": Scholz Offers AidFederal Chancellor Olaf Scholz extends assistance to neighboring countries hit by floods. "The flood situation is disheartening," the SPD politician remarks during his visit to Kazakhstan. He has previously pledged support for affected citizens in neighboring countries. "We will do as much as we can."

17:06 Lang: "It's Time to Act Now"Green Party leader Ricarda Lang calls for decisive political action amid the critical situation in flood-hit areas in Central and Eastern Europe. The climate crisis is causing floods and heavy rain to become more frequent, severe, and likely, Lang explains, following parliamentary consultations in Berlin. Politics must not just react but also prepare, she insists. "That's why it's time to act now." The issue of climate protection must be prioritized higher in politics. "Should Friedrich Merz have stated last year that the world wouldn't end, one would realize today that it has for many," Lang adds, referring to the CDU leader. "This means that we must demonstrate more attention to climate protection."

16:41 Austria's Chancellor Sets Aside Millions for Flood Damage RepairAustria's Chancellor Karl Nehammer has set aside an initial 300 million euros from the disaster fund for flood damage repair. If additional funds are required, these can be provided, Nehammer, leader of the OVP government, says. Private individuals who have suffered property losses due to the natural disaster can also apply for financial assistance from this fund. The extent of the damage from the prolonged heavy rain in eastern Austria is still unclear.

16:08 Fracture in Dam: Residents Urged to Evacuate ImmediatelyIn the town of Paczkow in southwestern Poland, Mayor Artur Rolka has called for an immediate evacuation of lower-lying districts due to a crack in a dam's reservoir. "There's no assurance that the damage will not escalate," Rolka warns in a social media appeal. He encourages all affected residents to come forward for evacuation and asks those with unaffected homes to leave and seek safety in other parts of the city. Following a voluntary evacuation request, Rolka has ultimately decided to enforce the evacuation, as reported by Polish television. The affected reservoir lies above Paczkow on the Glatzer Neiße, a tributary of the Oder.

The Ostrava chemical facility is submerged in water.

15:54 Habeck Advocates More Efforts to Combat Climate CrisisVice Chancellor Robert Habeck advocates increased determination in climate protection, referencing the recent flood disasters in numerous European countries. In an interview with Funke Mediengruppe, Habeck states, "Accelerating the expansion of renewables, the energy transition, and climate-friendly industrial production" are necessary measures. "More frequent floods, disasters such as in the Ahr Valley, and this year in Bavaria – they are outcomes of the climate crisis," Habeck emphasizes. "That's why our efforts to mitigate the climate crisis are so crucial." However, more frequent extreme weather events cannot be prevented at the moment. More preventative measures are, therefore, essential, such as "strong dikes, retention systems, giving rivers more space" to protect people better.

15:36 Further Flood VictimsThe loss of life from floods in several European countries has increased to at least 15. Austria (three dead), the Czech Republic (one death), Poland (five dead), and Romania (six dead) are among the most affected nations.

15:21 Poland Declares Emergency for Flooded RegionsPoland declares a state of emergency for the flooded regions. The government in Warsaw enacts an emergency decree in an emergency session. The state of emergency extends to parts of Lower Silesia, Silesia, and Opole provinces for 30 days. It grants authorities additional powers to issue orders, temporarily suspending certain civil liberties and rights. The authorities can, for example, more easily enforce evacuations of certain areas or facilities. They can also ban citizens from particular places.

Learn more here.

14:34 Austrian Federal Railways Issues Extended Travel AdvisoryDue to the ongoing weather conditions affecting major parts of Austria, Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) have prolonged the travel alert initially issued on September 13, 2024, up until September 19, 2024. ÖBB urges passengers to postpone any non-essential trips during this period and considers rescheduling them instead. Existing tickets remain valid until September 22.

14:19 European Flood Death Toll IncreasesThe death toll in Europe due to flooding escalated to at least 11 individuals, with Austria reporting two additional fatalities as per the police department. In the Czech Republic, a woman perished while swimming in the Krasovka river. Police president Martin Vondrasek notified the public broadcasting station about the incident, while authorities in Czech Republic also acknowledge at least seven missing individuals. Earlier, the overall loss of life in Austria, Poland, Romania, and the Czech Republic was reported at eight.

14:04 German Government Lends Aid in Flood-Stricken European CountriesGermany has shown solidarity with those affected by the flooding in various European nations. "We are closely watching the situation and stand ready to provide assistance," stated deputy government spokeswoman Christiane Hoffmann in Berlin. The devastation in Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, and Romania often borders catastrophic, and Hoffmann echoed shared sentiments of horror and shock at the reported deaths and missing persons. The German Government extends its condolences and sympathies to all those affected.

13:43 Orbán Delays International Commitments Amidst Flooding in HungaryHungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has annulled all upcoming international obligations in response to the torrential rain and relentless floods plaguing his nation. Orbán made this announcement on his online platform X, and declined to disclose additional details. The political leader was slated to speak at the European Parliament on Wednesday regarding the six-month Hungarian EU Council presidency program, but these plans were put on hold due to flood-related circumstances.

13:12 Ostrava Overflown: Dike Encroachments in Czech Republic's Third Largest CityEvacuations have been extended in Ostrava, the Czech Republic's third most populous city, due to urgent flooding concerns. According to Environment Minister Petr Hladik following an emergency meeting, breaches have apparently occurred in various districts of the town. Residents have been evacuated using inflatable boats, and the rate of water flow through the breaches is estimated to be around 100 cubic meters per second. Efforts are ongoing to fill the gaps with stones. The 285,000-inhabitant city of Ostrava lies at the junction of several rivers, including the Oder and the Opava, which is located approximately 280 kilometers from Prague. All train traffic to Ostrava and further towards Poland has been halted, and a power plant had to be shut down. The communication networks, including power and mobile phone networks, collapsed in Bohumin, while the water supply failed in numerous locations.

12:25 Romania: Carpathian Region Witnesses Six Flood VictimsSix individuals have lost their lives due to heavy rainfall and floods in Romania's Carpathian region. The regions of Galati, Vaslui, and Iasi in the eastern part of the country have been severely impacted. Around 300 individuals were evacuated, and about 6,000 farmhouses were inundated. The majority of victims are elderly individuals, including two women aged 96 and 86 years old. Severe warnings remain in effect in these regions until midday, with isolate villages facing water surges. Several hundred firefighters are deployed on the scene to assist.

11:59 Saxony Faces Elbe OverflowThe water levels in Saxony's Elbe River continue to climb. The midday mark in Dresden sees the Elbe water level at 5.62 meters, while a second flood warning level was declared on Sunday evening. The threshold for the third warning level, which is at six meters, is expected to be surpassed by early Tuesday morning. The crest of the Elbe in Dresden is anticipated to be reached by Wednesday night. Görlitz on the Neiße sees the third warning level in effect, with an Elbe water level of 6.13 meters. However, the flood center projects a decline in water levels in Görlitz. The depletion and crest of a flood are referred to as flood level and crest, respectively.

11:33 Austria Reports Two Additional Flood DeathsTwo more deaths due to flooding have been reported in Austria, as confirmed by the police. A man aged 70 years and another man aged 80 years perished in their respective residences in Lower Austria, as per authorities. On Sunday, one firefighter was fatally wounded while removing floodwaters from a basement. Extreme measures are currently in place in eastern Austria, given the prolonged rainfall, with more than 1,800 structures being evacuated and numerous roads closed due to flooding.

11:01 Wrocław Issues Flood WarningAfter heavy rainfalls and flooding in southwestern Poland, the city of Wrocław (Breslau) in Lower Silesia is preparing for an impending wave of flooding. Mayor Jacek Sutryk has declared a flood warning for the city on the Oder. Measures include constant monitoring of dikes, control and protection of canals, and closure of dike crossings, Sutryk mentioned in a Facebook video. The flood wave is predicted to reach Wrocław on Wednesday. Previous predictions suggesting that Wrocław would not be as severely affected have been revised, the mayor pointed out. Although the flood is not expected to reach the levels of the 1997 Oder flood, which flooded a third of the city, Sutryk highlighted that the infrastructure is now in much better condition, with new dikes, retention basins, and polders. He hopes that the floodwaters will not enter the city.

10:35 Governor's Update on Flood Situation: "It's Still Critical"

Despite a temporary break in the rain overnight, the flood situation in eastern Austria remains highly precarious. "It's not over, it's still critical, it's still dramatic," says Lower Austria's Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner. On Monday, up to 80 liters of rain per square meter are forecast in certain areas. A major issue now is the dams. "There's a high risk of dam failure," officials caution. Public life is largely at a standstill. Over 200 roads in Lower Austria are closed, 1,800 buildings have been evacuated, many students and kindergarten children are staying home, Mikl-Leitner reports. Around 3,500 households are currently without power. The extent of the damage is currently impossible to assess. "The flood victims will definitely be helped," the governor promises. In the past few days, up to 370 liters of rain per square meter have fallen in certain regions of Lower Austria - several times the usual monthly amount.

10:10 Elbe River Levels Rising; Alarm Level Three Approaching

The water levels on the Elbe River in Saxony continue to rise. According to data from the state flood control center, the level in Dresden is at 5.54 meters in the morning. It is predicted to exceed the six-meter mark later today, which would trigger the second-highest alarm level, three. At this level, flooding of built-up areas is possible. The alarm level three has already been reached at the gauge in Schöna on the Elbe near the Czech border, where the water level was at 6.09 meters. The same level has been reached at the Lausitzer Neiße near Görlitz on the border with Poland, where the water stood at 5.56 meters, just a few centimeters from the highest alarm level, four. A section of the federal highway B99 in Görlitz has been closed for safety reasons, a police spokesman says. The warning level for stage 3 here is 4.80 meters.

09:49 Century Flood in Czech Republic: Man Dies in Floodwaters

Two individuals are capturing the inundation of the Nysa Alternate on the Historic Town Bridge in Zittau. Moreover, a warning level 2 has been attained on the Nysa in Zittau, with the water levels ascending to 4.42 meters.

The first confirmed fatality in the Czech floods has been reported. Authorities also report at least seven missing persons. A man died in the small river Krasovka in the district of Bruntal in the eastern part of Moravia-Silesia, police president Martin Vondrasek said on public radio. Among the missing are three people who were swept away with a car near Jesenik in the Hrubý Jeseník mountains. There is no sign of the vehicle. The others were swept into various waterways like the Otava river. A man from an old people's home on the border with Poland is also missing. Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala described the situation as a "century flood" - a flood that statistically occurs once in a century in the same place. Earlier, other EU countries had also reported fatalities from the floods (see entry 06:40): A firefighter died in Austria, a man in Poland, and six people in Romania.

09:17 Woman Falls into Neisse River While Checking Water LevelA woman fell into the Neisse river while checking the water level in Goerlitz. According to initial police reports, the woman slipped at the water's edge near the Parkhotel Merkur and fell into the river. She was carried about 700 meters downstream before managing to pull herself out near the Vierradmuhle weir. She is currently being treated in a hospital for hypothermia.

09:00 THW Prepares for Major Operations on Elbe and OderThe German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) is preparing for potential flooding in eastern Germany. "We're preparing to deploy larger forces to the Elbe and Oder rivers if necessary," says THW department head Fritz-Helge Voss in the ZDF morning magazine. Voss advises people in affected areas to stock up on essential supplies. Voss notes that Germany has been fortunate so far, but the Elbe, Neisse, and Oder rivers are expected to flood this week. Over the weekend, the THW deployed around 140 personnel in Bavaria and Saxony, including assistance at the collapsed Carolabridge in Dresden. Voss emphasizes that this is the fourth major flooding incident in Germany this year, underscoring the importance of being prepared and investing in equipment. "Ultimately, these are climate adaptation costs," says Voss.

08:43 Polish Emergency Meeting over Heavy Flooding In response to intense flooding in southwestern Poland, close to the Czech border, Prime Minister Donald Tusk has scheduled an urgent cabinet meeting for Monday morning. He's drafted a decree proclaiming a state of emergency, which requires cabinet approval. Persistent rain has led to flooding in the area, with the town of Nysa in the Opole region particularly impacted, flooding the hospital's emergency room as reported by PAP news agency. Thirty-three patients, including children and expectant mothers, had to be evacuated using boats.

08:15 Bavarian Flood Warnings with Rising Water Levels The flooding situation in Bavaria remains severe in certain locations, with more rain forecasted. The situation has not improved significantly in the affected areas, police report. However, the rains continue without respite: the Hochwasser-Nachrichtendienst (HND) predicts further water level increases due to the wet start to the week. The HND anticipates increased water levels on the Danube at Passau, the Vils at Vilshofen, and the Isar at Munich, among others. The situation should potentially improve from Wednesday, according to the German Weather Service (DWD). From now until Tuesday, the DWD predicts consistent rainfall from the Alps to the foreland, with the possibility of 40 to 70 liters of rain per square meter, and up to 90 liters in specific locations.

07:32 Czech Flooding Persists: Water Levels Keep Rising The flood-hit and inundated regions of the Czech Republic are still experiencing no relief. The flood wave on the Morava river reached Litovel, around 200 kilometers east of Prague, entirely covering the streets, as reported by CTK news agency. The local authorities of the nearly 10,000-inhabitant town urge the public not to hinder emergency services. They warn of an anticipated further increase in the river's water level in the coming hours.

Nysa River Overflow: To the left, Görlitz, and to the right, the Polish city of Zgorzelec is affected.

07:03 Polish Damm Failure: Destructive Flooding Caught on Video After a dam burst in Poland, locals fear the devastating floods as they approach the Glatzer Neiße region. Video footage captures the force of the raging floodwaters.

06:40 European Flooding: Deaths in Poland and Romania Poland and the Czech Republic are dealing with the aftermath of an unprecedented flood, while the situation in Lower Austria is critical following heavy rain. A firefighter in Austria, a man in Poland, and six individuals in Romania have lost their lives due to flooding in several EU countries.

06:12 Czech Evacuations Due to Flooding Amidst the worst storms in years, floodwaters inundated entire cities like Jeseník in the Jeseníky Mountains and Krnov near the Polish border. Emergency services rescued hundreds of individuals from Jeseník using boats and helicopters. Post-flood, the risk of landslides remained high in various areas.

05:49 Cruise Ship Passengers Stranded in Vienna Due to high water levels on the Danube resulting from heavy rain, tour passengers on a Swiss river cruise ship are unable to depart in Vienna. Approximately 100 passengers and around 40 crew members on the "Thurgau Prestige" cannot leave the ship because the boarding ramp is flooded. According to SRF's reports, other cruise ships are also stuck in Vienna. The passengers must stay on the ship until at least Tuesday, as Thurgau Travel has mentioned possible disembarkation approval from local authorities. The "Thurgau Prestige" planned a trip from Linz to Budapest and back, but now finds itself stuck in Vienna.

The storm "Anett", known internationally as "Boris", has brought biblical rainfall and flooding to Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Romania. At least eight people have perished so far.

In the context of the flood situation in Europe, Dresden's Environmental Office head René Herold mentioned that the part of the Carol Bridge in Dresden that lies in the Elbe is not influencing the rising water level in the city. (20:08: Cautious Optimism in Pirna)

Furthermore, the flooded areas of Austria continue to pose threats, as another body was discovered in the floodwaters in Klosterneuburg, Lower Austria. This unidentified man between the ages of 40 and 50 became the fourth confirmed flood victim in Austria. (20:37: Dresden's Water Levels - Official Comments on the Collapsed Carol Bridge)

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