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The Leading Figure, Robert Habeck, Issues Alerts Regarding the Potential Disintegration of the Traffic Light Coalition

Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck urges his fellow politicians to regain sense. In his viewpoint, it is of utmost importance to avert the coalition from derailing from its primary objective due to intrinsic disagreements.

economics minister Robert Habeck is currently managing two substantial construction projects.
economics minister Robert Habeck is currently managing two substantial construction projects.

- The Leading Figure, Robert Habeck, Issues Alerts Regarding the Potential Disintegration of the Traffic Light Coalition

Habeck voiced his concern to the traffic light parties, emphasizing that they shouldn't toy with the idea of a coalition collapse. "Fooling around with a potential new election isn't on the table," he stated to the Funke media group's publications. "The Basic Law clearly stipulates that a Bundestag is elected for a four-year term for a reason."

Habeck urged the coalition to stay focused and committed. "Just like countless individuals, they should carry out their duties with resolve, focus, and the determination to accomplish tasks," he advised. "And I personally plan to do the same."

No electioneering from Habeck, at least not just yet

Economics Minister Habeck explained his stance after Green Party leader Omid Nouripour declared that the traffic light coalition is essentially a "transition government." Nouripour was referring to the post-Merkel era, according to Habeck, who was alluding to the former Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). "Germany is currently going through a transition period: Merkel's era has ended, but the new era has yet to dawn," Habeck explained.

The traffic light coalition must address the unattended decisions from the Merkel era. "We've made significant strides, yet the crises have grown more dire," Habeck noted. "Germany must determine its geopolitical position in Europe and the world, and for that, we'll need to secure political majorities for the upcoming legislative period." When asked if there could still be a 'traffic light era' by 2025, Habeck responded, "No one can predict the political outcome in September 2025."

Habeck remained ambiguous regarding his potential nomination as the Green Party's chancellor candidate, telling the Funke newspapers, "It's about the kind of nation we want to be. Then, the appropriate individual for the position of Federal Chancellor will emerge." He further clarified, "I was elected as a minister for a four-year term. Electioneering will take place at a later time."

Even in the midst of Germany's transition period, Habeck stresses the importance of avoiding a coalition collapse. "We cannot afford to jeopardize the stability of the German government during this critical time," he added.

Considering Germany's current political landscape, Habeck reaffirms his commitment to his role as Economics Minister. "As long as I am serving as Economics Minister, I will execute my duties with diligence and dedication, contributing to Germany's economic growth and stability," he assured.

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