The leading figure in government advocates for the legislative body's disbandment.
Island Prepares for Premature Vote. Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson petitions President Halla Tómasdóttir to disband the Icelandic legislature, Althingi, as his governing alliance falters, according to RUV news. Elections could transpire as soon as November 30th.
Benediktsson's Freedom-and-Order Independence Party, in alliance with the Midway Progressive Party and the Left-wing Greenry Movement, has been in power since April. The Prime Minister cited contrasting political stances on topics like immigration, energy management, and financial matters as the reason for the split.
President Tómasdóttir announced her intention to consult with other party leaders before ultimately making a decision later in the week.
Benediktsson might seek re-election to lead his party in the upcoming elections, given his decision to dissolve Althingi early. The opposition parties might view Benediktsson's move as an opportunity to challenge his leadership during the re-election process.