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The Landesparteitag chooses new leadership

The MV-Left convenes for its first party congress after the disappointing municipal and European elections on June 9th. The small coalition partner of the SPD in the state is in search of renewal.

After the communal and European election disaster on June 9, The Left in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern...
After the communal and European election disaster on June 9, The Left in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will choose a new leadership.}

The Left - The Landesparteitag chooses new leadership

The Left in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will choose a new leadership team at today's state party conference (9.30 am) in Waren. Originally, a co-leadership of a man and a woman was planned, but only three men have declared their candidacy before the conference.

These are the two former deputy state chairs Horst Krumpen and Hennis Herbst, as well as Felix Baumert, who has been a simple member of the state council until now. According to the statutes, a single party chairman is also allowed if no female candidate is found. Krumpen was born in 1966, Baumert in 1989, and Herbst in 1996.

Women shortage at the top

Longtime state parliamentarian Peter Ritter, who led the Northern Left from 2001 to 2009 and was re-elected as chairman in 2022, will not run again. The 65-year-old had been the sole leader of the 2,300-member strong state association since October 2023, after his 24-year-old co-chair Vanessa Müller unexpectedly resigned.

The Left has been part of the state government with the SPD since 2021. This was already the case from 1998 to 2006. At the Waren state conference, speeches from the two ministers of the Left, Education Minister Simone Oldenburg and Justice Minister Jacqueline Bernhardt, are expected.

Crash in communal and European elections

At the European and communal elections on June 9, the Left had to accept significant losses in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The party fell to 4.9 percent in the European elections. In the communal elections, it achieved its worst result with 8.8 percent. The disaster is to be evaluated at the party conference.

Political scientist Professor Wolfgang Muno expects reactions to the massive voter loss within the Left. "There is a significant internal and personnel dispute and strong competition from the BSW," observed the political scientist. In addition, there is a risk of membership departures. The Wagenknecht Party in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern still does not have a state association. "If there is one, perhaps at the end of the year, then certainly many people will switch, especially politically active ones," prophesied Muno.

  1. Despite the planned co-leadership of a man and a woman, only three men have declared their candidacy for the new leadership team of The Left in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, with Horst Krumpen, Hennis Herbst, and Felix Baumert being among them.
  2. The absence of a female candidate for leadership in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's The Left allows for the possibility of a single party chairman, a role Krumpen, who was born in 1966, could potentially assume.
  3. The Left in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has been part of the state government with the SPD since 2021, and speeches from Education Minister Simone Oldenburg and Justice Minister Jacqueline Bernhardt are expected during the Waren state conference.
  4. The European and communal elections on June 9 resulted in significant losses for The Left in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, with the party falling to 4.9% in Europe and achieving its worst result of 8.8% in the municipal elections.
  5. Political scientist Professor Wolfgang Muno expects responses to the voter loss within The Left, mentioning the potential for internal and personnel disputes, strong competition from the BSW, and even membership departures if the Wagenknecht Party establishes a state association in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

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