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The land voices criticism against the approval processes

For the planned natural gas exploration before Borkum, the company One-Dyas is pressing for decisions from authorities. This emerges from a letter of the corporation to the state government - the latter is now reacting.

The Lower Saxony state government has rejected the criticism of the Dutch energy company One-Dyas...
The Lower Saxony state government has rejected the criticism of the Dutch energy company One-Dyas regarding the approval process for the planned gas exploration off Borkum.

Natural gas exploration before Borkum - The land voices criticism against the approval processes

The Lower Saxony State Government has rejected criticism from Dutch energy company One-Dyas regarding the permitting process for the planned natural gas extraction off the coast of Borkum. Previously, the German Environmental Aid (DUH) had made public a letter from the company to the state government, in which One-Dyas CEO Chris de Ruyter van Steveninck complained that necessary permits from Lower Saxon authorities for the project were being delayed. "There is no reason not to grant this permit now", wrote de Ruyter van Steveninck. A spokesperson for the Economic Ministry in Hanover told dpa that the letter had "no influence" on the pending permits.

The spokesperson added that the involved authorities were examining these permits – also in light of the special sensitivity of the affected natural environment – with great care.

In a three-page letter from One-Dyas CEO Chris de Ruyter van Steveninck to Minister President Stephan Weil (SPD), Economics Minister Olaf Lies (SPD), and Environment Minister Christian Meyer (Greens) on July 5, de Ruyter van Steveninck demanded quick decisions from the responsible authorities and threatened to file lawsuits if they did not comply. "One-Dyas would welcome it if the requested decisions were made quickly, to avoid clarification through court proceedings", the company stated. One-Dyas also pointed out that it had already invested 300 million euros in the project.

Environmental Aid calls for careful examination

The Environmental Aid criticized that One-Dyas was exerting pressure through threatened damage claims, which the state government should not yield to. "We urge the state government to remain steadfast against fossil business interests and to thoroughly examine the threatened destruction of endangered reefs in the North Sea before granting the permit", stated DUH Federal Managing Director Sascha Müller-Kraenner.

One-Dyas plans to extract natural gas from a field off the coasts of the two Wadden Sea islands Borkum and Schiermonnikoog this year. This is to be achieved by constructing a production platform in Dutch territorial waters about 23 kilometers northwest of the island of Borkum. The plans reportedly involve gas extraction in both Dutch and German territorial waters, near the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park. However, for the natural gas extraction, permits from the Netherlands and Germany are required. The permit procedure on the German side is still ongoing. There is also a dispute over an already approved cable.

One-Dyas announced on inquiry that a statement would be issued on Monday.

  1. Despite the criticism from Dutch energy company One-Dyas, the Lower Saxony State Government is carefully examining the permits for the planned natural gas extraction off the coast of Borkum, considering the sensitivity of the affected natural environment.
  2. Environmental Aid, a German environmental organization, has urged the Lower Saxony State Government to remain steadfast against fossil business interests and thoroughly examine the potential damage to endangered reefs in the North Sea before granting the permits for natural gas extraction off the coast of Borkum.
  3. Energy company One-Dyas has threatened to file lawsuits if the responsible authorities do not make quick decisions on the permits for extracting natural gas from a field off the coasts of Borkum and Schiermonnikoog, an investment of 300 million euros already made by the company.
  4. Natural gas extraction plans by One-Dyas involve constructing a production platform in Dutch territorial waters and require permits from both the Netherlands and Germany, with the permit procedure in Germany still ongoing.
  5. Energy companies such as One-Dyas rely on raw materials like natural gas, which contributes to the energy supply across Germany, with Hanover being a key city in discussions regarding energy policy at the state level.

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