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The Kremlin reacts cautiously to Biden's withdrawal

Four more months to go before the election

Allegedly, Putin preferred Biden over Trump.
Allegedly, Putin preferred Biden over Trump.

The Kremlin reacts cautiously to Biden's withdrawal

US-President Biden steps down. Politicians worldwide pay respects. For Russia's leader Putin, Biden was the favorite in the elections. Now, the Kremlin states they will "observe the situation." Meanwhile, the Duma intends to hold Biden accountable for the Ukraine war.

After Joe Biden's withdrawal from the US presidential race, the Kremlin initially remains cautious and plans to "observe the situation closely." Kremlin spokesperson Dmitri Peskov reminded that Russian President Vladimir Putin considered Biden a calculable candidate who was favorable for Russia. However, "The election is still four months away, and a lot can change," Peskov said. "We must be patient and closely observe what happens next." Russia's priority is to achieve the goals of the war against Ukraine.

In an interview for Russian television in February, Putin stated that he preferred Joe Biden over Donald Trump as the next US president. According to the Kremlin chief, a Biden victory in the US presidential election would be the best possible outcome for Russia. However, Putin criticized the US government: "I believe that the stance of the current administration is extremely harmful and wrong." The two major nuclear powers clash in almost all international issues, particularly regarding the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Despite this, a Biden victory was preferred, Putin added. "He is more experienced, he is calculable, he is a politician of the old school." Russia would work with any president elected by the American people. The 71-year-old Putin also defended Biden against insinuations that he might not be fit for office. During a summit in Switzerland in 2021, it was said that Biden was no longer effective, Putin stated. "I have not seen anything like that."

Putin's statements do not align with Russia's politics

At the time of the interview in mid-February, a new edition of the Biden-Trump duel from 2020 was shaping up. However, Putin's statements did not quite fit with Russia's politics in the past few years, which have been focused on the Republican Donald Trump. Trump boasts of his supposed good relationship with Putin.

In the interview, the Kremlin chief addressed Trump's much-criticized statement that US NATO allies with low defense spending would not receive American support in the event of a Russian attack. Trump was expressing his own view of how the relationship between the US and its allies should develop, Putin said. Illogical was only the attitude of the Europeans: "They want the US to continue protecting them for free."

Duma demands Biden be held accountable

The chairman of the Russian State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, demanded accountability from Biden. "Biden has caused problems all over the world and in his own country, the United States," he said. Biden should be held accountable: "for the unleashed war in Ukraine, the destruction of the economies of European countries, the sanctions policy against Russia and other countries." According to the Russian narrative, the West bears responsibility for Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

Following Joe Biden's announcement to step down from the US Presidential race, there are concerns in the Duma, the Russian parliament, as they intend to hold Biden accountable for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Despite Vladimir Putin's admission during a previous interview that he preferred Biden over Donald Trump, Putin's statements have not always aligned with Russia's political stance, particularly in recent years, which has favored Donald Trump.

As the United States Presidential Election 2024 approaches, Putin's comments indicate that he considered Biden a predictable candidate who was beneficial for Russia. However, the Kremlin remains cautious and plans to closely monitor the situation. In a response to Putin's statements, Vyacheslav Volodin, the chairman of the Duma, has called for holding Biden accountable for various issues, including the conflict in Ukraine and the implementation of sanctions against Russia.

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