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The Kremlin accuses the EU of embezzling Russian assets

Reaction against announced

This is a direct violation of international law
This is a direct violation of international law

The Kremlin accuses the EU of embezzling Russian assets

The European Union buys military equipment for Ukraine. For this, it uses interest payments on the money frozen on Russian accounts. Kremlin spokesperson Peskov disapproves of this. He threatens the Europeans with countermeasures.

The Kreml has again threatened the EU that it will not leave unanswered the "theft" of billions from the Russian assets. "Such theft operations cannot remain without a counter-reaction," said Kreml spokesman Dmitri Peskov. Those who make and implement such decisions will be pursued legally. "Because this is a direct violation of international law, a violation of property rights and so on and so forth," said Peskow. The EU has taken a bad path to use Russian money for military aid for Ukraine.

The EU brought military aid for Ukraine to the way at the end of June. For this aid, it uses interest payments from Russian assets, which have been frozen due to sanctions. It is expected that the first tranche of interest payments from the frozen Russian assets will be transferred at the beginning of August. Initially, around 1.4 billion Euros from interest payments on Russian assets are planned to be spent on military aid for Ukraine.

The money is planned to flow to countries like Germany or the Czech Republic, which will then make available to Ukraine, for example, air defense equipment or artillery shells. Another billion Euros from interest payments is planned to follow by the end of the year.

"These funds are not only factually stolen, they are also used for the purchase of weapons. It is hard to imagine something worse," said Peskow. Russia criticizes in its war against Ukraine that Western weapons purchases and deliveries to Kiev prolong the war. The Western allies of Kiev, however, emphasize that Ukraine is receiving weapons and ammunition to defend itself against the Russian invasion.

The EU's use of Russian money for Ukraine's military aid, as indicated by Peskov, is seen as a "theft" by Russia. Russia has threatened countermeasures against the EU due to this, viewing it as a direct violation of international law and property rights. The EU has been providing military assistance to Ukraine since the end of June, using interest payments from frozen Russian assets due to sanctions.

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