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The iLockit Pro is a bicycle thief's worst fear.

Suitable for E-Bikes as Well

Diebe, die Bescheid wissen, lassen die Finger von diesem Fahrrad.
Diebe, die Bescheid wissen, lassen die Finger von diesem Fahrrad.

The iLockit Pro is a bicycle thief's worst fear.

Having a high-value bike or e-bike? Then consider investing in the iLockit Pro, a smart bike lock that makes it incredibly challenging for thieves with long fingers to steal your prized possession. The installation and usage are straight-forward and user-friendly.

Four years ago, tested the smart bicycle lock iLockit from the German startup Haveltec. Skeptical at first, the gadget proved itself and has been functioning flawlessly ever since. This year, the manufacturer released an improved version, the iLockit Pro, which is not only smarter but also of higher quality. With a retail price of approximately €260, it is more costly than its predecessor, but the results indicate it's worth the investment if your bike is worth it.

Compatible with e-bikes of all sizes

The new lock is a bit chunkier, weighing 500 grams, making it more robust than its previous version. It also fits perfectly with the revised dimensions of e-bikes, a crucial factor as e-bikes are rapidly gaining popularity. Per the industry association ZIV, more e-bikes were sold in Germany last year than conventional bikes. Now, Germans hold around 11 million e-bikes.

The installation is usually quick and straightforward, as the lock screws onto the threaded holes typically found on the frame tubes of the rear wheel. If such holes aren't present, Haveltec supplies adapters to ensure secure attachment.

Zum Lieferumfang gehört eine ausführliche Bedienungsanleitung.

Hassle-free installation and customer support

A step-by-step guide is provided, even for low-tech folks. Plus, the support is easily accessible and speedily responds to inquiries.

Importantly, fully charge the battery before installation. Unlike the previous model, you can now charge it via USB-C. The older model had a unique socket requiring specific cables, which posed a risk of accidental insertion. The battery life ranges from six months to a year, depending on usage.

Convenient locking via app or remote control

Die App ist klar gegliedert und leicht zu verstehen.

You'll need to download the accompanying app to connect the lock to your smartphone via Bluetooth. Several users can share access to the lock.

Once connected, the lock can be opened or closed remotely in the app using an electric motor. You can confirm actions or choose to only see the lock status via button colors (red for open, green for closed).

The iLockit Pro's handle has an extra feature: if it hits a stopper when shutting, it rarely stops anymore like the original version and instead issues notifications and sound signals. The handle is mounted on a swivel, allowing it to bypass obstacles.

GPS tracking, notification, and loud alarm

Der Akku-Anzeige rechts oben in der App sollte man nicht allzu sehr vertrauen, man lädt das Schloss besser vor dem letzten Balken auf.

In the unlikely event of a theft, the lock utilizes GPS straight out of the box. The integrated SIM card sends the location to owners or law enforcement. The Bluetooth functionality helps locate the bike. The iLockit Pro also beeps to assist.

The GPS function costs €260 initially, with an additional €2.60 per month. Alternatively, you can buy the iLockit Pro for €319, making it unlimited.

The GPS function may be necessary should someone attempt to steal the bike while locked, or if an intruder tries to tamper with the lock. Thieves attempting such acts will be met with a harsh surprise: the iLockit Pro packs a powerful alarm system. Even slight rattling triggers a warning alert. If a thief persists, the alarm will sound off at an ear-splitting 110 decibels, like that of a car horn. In busy areas, thieves will likely flee from the noise.

When burglarized, owners receive a smartphone notification informing them of the incident. However, it's important to note that attempting to confront thieves on your own is not recommended. Instead, contact the police.

Für die Automatik wählt man besser kürzere Abstände.

Alarm sensitivity is adjustable, allowing for fine-tuning to fit your needs. For instance, setting it high prevents sans accessories from being removed without triggering the alarm, offering additional security in busy areas.

For long-term stops, securing the bike's cable tie with a secondary lock would save time. The iLockit offers a chain for about €30 that suits this purpose. You can secure your bike to stands using it. If you push the chain's end into the designated slot, the iLockit Pro will automatically lock.

The iLockit Pro features a chain covered in nylon fabric, weighing 1.1 kg. It arrives with a matching transport bag. You can easily secure it onto the luggage rack using Velcro straps. If you'd rather not spend extra on a cable, there is an alternative that costs €18, although it may not be as secure.

Additionally, there's a small remote control for €25 to be used on the lock handle. Pressing a button unlocks and locks the device. Earlier variants only offered a single option between using a smartphone and a remote control, but now you can use both simultaneously.

Wenn das Rad zusätzlich mit der passenden Kette gesichert ist, haben es Langfinger noch schwerer.

This versatile product comes in two varieties: one with a key and the other without. If keys are not available, you can enter a colour code during the smartphone pairing process to open the iLockit Pro. You will find a button on the lock that lights up differently depending on the length of pressure applied to it. In case you forget to recharge the battery, the iLockit Pro will open before the power runs out and immediately send a notification to your smartphone.

Final Thoughts

In practice, the iLockit Pro works effectively in locking and unlocking. The features are clever, but installing it doesn't pose difficulties. The manufacturer's guidelines and customer service are top-notch, as are the useful accessories.

With a chain, remote control, and unrestricted GPS feature, you'll need to spend €260. For high-priced and high-value vehicles, the expense is worth considering, especially for e-bikes, where the typical purchase price indicated by ZIV is nearly €3000.

Der Handsender ist nach der Automatik die bequemste Art, das iLockit Pro zu öffnen und zu schließen.

For cheaper vehicles or more modest budgets, Haveltec provides the iLockit GPS, which is priced at €200. The version without GPS is available for €150.

Read also:

Technology tests have shown that the iLockit Pro's Bluetooth connection is reliable, allowing users to control the smart bike lock using their smartphone. The bicycle-specific app is easy to understand and use, even for those less tech-savvy.

During a bicycle ride, if the iLockit Pro detects the bicycle moving away from the parked position, it will automatically trigger the Bluetooth alarm on the smartphone, alerting the owner to potential theft attempts. This feature can be particularly useful when audio alarms might not be loud enough in crowded areas.




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