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The Greens hold their Chancellor candidacy principally open

In surveys, the governing Greens have been wavering for some time. Is it even realistic to consider a candidate for chancellor of their own?

Green leader Lang aims for higher survey results again.
Green leader Lang aims for higher survey results again.

Federal Parliament election campaign - The Greens hold their Chancellor candidacy principally open

Party chairwoman Ricarda Lang keeps open the prospect of nominating a chancellor candidate for the Greens in the next Federal Election, despite currently weak survey results. "We see that the party system has fundamentally changed," she said in an interview with the ZDF program "Berlin direct" in the summer. "If only parties could manage with 30 percent, we would then have exactly one chancellor candidate. I don't think that would be good for democracy."

The co-chair added that the Greens could not be satisfied with their current survey results of 13 percent. "If we say we want to make politics for the breadth of the country, then it has to be more than that. And we are working on that."

The decision on who will lead the Greens into the Federal Election 2025 should be made this year, the party chairwoman made clear. When asked if anyone other than Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck could be a candidate, she said: "I don't see anyone right now." However, all other decisions would be made later, "because we don't feel that people are primarily interested in personnel issues a year before the election."

Habeck is considered a clear favorite for a possible chancellor candidacy, as Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has announced that she will not run again. With Baerbock as chancellor candidate, the Greens achieved 14.7 percent in the Federal Election 2021.

  1. Despite Ricarda Lang's openness to nominating a chancellor candidate for the Greens in the upcoming Federal Election Campaign, the party's current survey results are quite weak at 13%.
  2. In the summer, Lang stated in an interview with ZDF's "Berlin direct" program that the party system in Germany has fundamentally changed.
  3. If parties could manage with 30% support, Lang believes that it would result in only one chancellor candidate, which she thinks would not be beneficial for democracy.
  4. Robert Habeck, the co-chair of the Green Party, is considered a strong contender for a potential chancellor candidacy, given that Annalena Baerbock, who achieved 14.7% in the 2021 Federal Parliament election, has announced she will not run again.
  5. The decision on the Green Party's chancellor candidate for the Federal Election 2025 should be made this year, according to Ricarda Lang.
  6. Lang remarked that while the decision on the chancellor candidate is imminent, other decisions regarding the party's direction will be made at a later time, as people are not primarily interested in personnel issues a year before the election.

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