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"The Greens do more real damage than the AfD": Which parties Sahra Wagenknecht does not want to form a coalition with

With her BSW, party founder Sahra Wagenknecht sees herself as a representative of the center. She therefore does not want to govern together with two parties under any circumstances.

Sahra Wagenknecht's party could make it into three state parliaments in the state elections this...
Sahra Wagenknecht's party could make it into three state parliaments in the state elections this fall

BSW - "The Greens do more real damage than the AfD": Which parties Sahra Wagenknecht does not want to form a coalition with

The BSW chairperson Sahra Wagenknecht rules out not only a coalition with the AfD but also a pact with the Greens. "It's about which parties we are farthest away from in terms of content. That's the AfD and the Greens," Wagenknecht told the Tagesspiegel (Friday). "There won't be a coalition with the AfD, but we also can't govern with the Greens from an incontent standpoint."

Sahra Wagenknecht accuses Greens of "Cancel Culture"

From her perspective, the Greens cause more harm in reality than the AfD, because the AfD has no power. Wagenknecht justified her rejection of the Greens with the way they, in her opinion, dominate people. She accused the Greens of being the main drivers of an "authoritarian Cancel Culture" that carries totalitarian tendencies.

With "Cancel Culture," the attempt is described to publicly criticize or boycott persons – often celebrities – or organizations due to alleged misconduct or offensive or discriminatory statements.

According to surveys, more than half of the population no longer dares to express their opinion freely in Germany, Wagenknecht said. It is worrying how the opinion spectrum is being narrowed in Germany. "Anyone who deviates from the government's opinion is defamed as right-wing or pro-Putin."

In Thuringia, Saxony, and Brandenburg, state elections will take place on September 1st. Surveys suggest that BSW could make it into all three state parliaments.

Sahra Wagenknecht, the chairperson of the Left Party (BSW), has ruled out a potential pact with both the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the Alliance 90/Greens due to fundamental content differences. Furthermore, Wagenknecht critically accuses the Greens of promoting an "authoritarian Cancel Culture" that stifles free speech and allows for defamation of individuals with differing opinions, as stated in the German elections surveys.

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