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The Governmental Council has endorsed stricter reporting obligations for individuals granted citizenship.

Job seekers may be required to attend the employment office more frequently.
Job seekers may be required to attend the employment office more frequently.

The Governmental Council has endorsed stricter reporting obligations for individuals granted citizenship.

The Federal Cabinet has chosen to impose tougher reporting obligations on individuals receiving unemployment benefits. As per the wishes of the traffic light coalition, employment centers will be allowed to summon them for a monthly face-to-face meeting if necessary to facilitate their transition into the workforce, revealed government spokesperson Steffen Hebestreit in Berlin on Wednesday.

The government aims to "bolster the duty to collaborate and consequently foster more dedication and effective integration into the workforce."

A "drafting aid" from the Federal Ministry of Labor has been agreed upon and will be sent to the traffic light parties in the Bundestag to draft the legislation. This tightening is part of the economic growth initiative that the government endorsed in the summer. Hebestreit stated, "To bolster our economic muscle, we require a larger workforce. Consequently, it's crucial, among other things, to motivate more people currently on unemployment benefits to join the workforce."

According to the Ministry of Labor, the traditional penalties will still be in effect for reporting violations. If the individuals fail to comply with the new stringent regulations without a valid reason, their unemployment benefits will be reduced by ten percent as per the Social Code.

On Tuesday, the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND) had previously reported on these plans. It was indicated that the monthly meetings are intended for, say, unemployed youth on unemployment benefits and those at risk of sliding into long-term unemployment.

The Federal Cabinet's decision to strengthen reporting obligations on unemployment benefit recipients aligns with the goals of the traffic light coalition, as outlined by Steffen Hebestreit. To enforce these new regulations, the employment centers have been granted the authority to summon individuals for mandatory monthly face-to-face meetings.

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