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The German military, referred to as Bundeswehr, is ramping up security measures for its military barracks.

Recent speculations emerged about potential sabotage targeting the barracks Cologne-Wahn's water...
Recent speculations emerged about potential sabotage targeting the barracks Cologne-Wahn's water supply system for alcoholic beverages.

The German military, referred to as Bundeswehr, is ramping up security measures for its military barracks.

Recent news about unsanctioned individuals in German military bases sparked concern. The German army swiftly acted by enhancing security procedures. Now, there will be boosted surveillance, frequent checks, and even thorough inspections of the fences at these facilities. Although the overall security level remains at "Alpha," increased vigilance is expected.

Upon learning of the happenings, a representative from the Territorial Command disclosed their reactions. They outlined increased inspections, extended patrols, and detailed checks of fence lines, as well as the temporary closure of specific areas, compliance with current security guidelines, and enhanced soldier awareness.

Initially, "Spiegel" published news of the intensified security measures, reporting that all barracks were ordered to conduct thorough checks and inspections on their outer fences for any potential gaps. Furthermore, night patrols were to be increased, and soldiers were encouraged to remain vigilant for any signs of unauthorized individuals and immediately report any suspicious activities.

The Territorial Command spokesperson validated the "Spiegel" information that on the previous Wednesday, two men managed to climb over a fence at the naval base in Wilhelmshaven. Once discovered by a guard, they were transferred to local law enforcement. According to "Spiegel," the men were sailors who worked on a neighboring ship, presumably interested in observing German warships nearby.

At the press briefing, the ministry spokesperson reiterated the lowest security level of "Alpha" still applies to German military bases. Ultimately, the Armed Forces dismissed any suspicions of sabotage threatening the drinking water supply in the Cologne-Wahn air force base.

The Territorial Command acknowledged the necessity of these enhanced security measures, emphasizing that they were implemented by The Commission following the recent security incidents. Subsequently, strict compliance with the outlined procedures is expected from all military personnel.

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