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The German federal president, Steinmeier, has scheduled the subsequent national parliamentary election for September 28, 2025.

The German federal president, Steinmeier, has scheduled the subsequent national parliamentary election for September 28, 2025.

Got the scoop? The upcoming federal election's happening on September 28, 2025. Frbbing Federal President Steinmeier made the call, prompted by the federal cabinet's suggestion in July. As per the Federal Election Act, election day's gotta be a Sunday or a nationwide holiday. The Basic Law sets some strict deadlines for voting. It needs to happen between 46 to 48 months after the legislative term's kickoff. Slotting in nicely, the election for the 21st German Bundestag should land within the period from August 27, 2025 to October 26, 2025.

Mark my words, the next parliament's gonna be a way smaller squad than the current one. Why, you ask? It's all thanks to the fresh electoral law that was passed by the traffic light coalition. The parliament will slim down from its current 733 seats to a more modest 630.

The traffic light coalition recently passed a new electoral law, reducing thenumber of seats in the next parliament from 733 to 630, as suggested by the federal cabinet. The upcoming federal election, called by Federal President Steinmeier, will occur on September 28, 2025, in accordance with the Federal Cabinet's recommendation made in July.

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