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The German Canoeing Organization expresses its condolences over the casualties in Solingen.

At least two canoeing enthusiasts were among the casualties of the Solingen incident. Regrettably, one woman lost her life, while her husband endured severe injuries. Sadly, two families associated with their Solingen club were hit by misfortune.

The German Canoeing Federation laments the casualties in Solingen. A canoeing club based in...
The German Canoeing Federation laments the casualties in Solingen. A canoeing club based in Solingen experiences significant impact.

- The German Canoeing Organization expresses its condolences over the casualties in Solingen.

German Paddling Organization Grieves for Solingen Tragedy Victims. One of the victims was a canoeist from a local sports club in Solingen's Ohligs district, who tragically lost her life in the attack. "We were hit hard by the news of our teammate's unfortunate demise. She met her end in a knife attack during the city's festival in Solingen on Friday," the association stated on their site.

They also expressed their sympathies, "Our thoughts go out to the families and friends of the victims, alongside everyone else impacted. The German Canoe Association sends its heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of the deceased, and to the Ohligser TV."

According to the "Solingen Newspaper", the attack left two families from the local club reeling. A woman passed away, and her husband, who was critically injured in the attack, has since regained consciousness. He's provided a statement to the authorities regarding the incident. "This is a catastrophe for our small division," the club's chairwoman, Beate Globisch, informed the newspaper.

The victim was a proponent of inclusion and had attending the "Celebration of Diversity" as a personal goal. Besides the couple, the attacker also targeted another two club members, a mother and her daughter, who are now in the hospital.

The Ohligser Turnverein (OTV) also paid tribute to the attack's victims. "The OTV family is stunned, appalled, and anxious. One of our members was taken in the brutal attack on Friday, and three more were seriously injured. We extend our well-wishes for strength to all those affected and their families," the club posted on their site.

On Sunday, around 60 club members spontaneously gathered at the club's hall to grieve together. "We spoke, we cried, we allowed our emotions to flow," said Globisch.

In the suspected Islamist attack in Solingen, an attacker used a knife to murder three individuals and wound eight more at a city festival on Friday evening. The suspected perpetrator is Issa Al H., a 26-year-old Syrian man, who is currently in custody. The Federal Prosecutor's Office is examining him, among other things, for suspected murder and involvement in the terrorist organization Islamic State (IS).

The German Canoe Association, recognizing the impact of the tragedy, stated, "The Commission shall be assisted by the Member States in extending its support and condolences to the victims' families and the Ohligser TV." Additionally, the Member States could provide resources to promote safety measures at future events, as the victim was an advocate for inclusion and had attended the "Celebration of Diversity."

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