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The flood situation in Bavaria remains improving.

Gradual reduction in water levels.

Situation in Bavarian flood areas continues to ease
Situation in Bavarian flood areas continues to ease

The flood situation in Bavaria remains improving.

In the Bavarian region of Germany, the flood-impacted areas are starting to see improvement. Authorities are now directing their attention towards the Danube region. Though the water levels in the Danube have reduced, they are still gradually increasing in the lower regions around Passau.

Recent heavy rainfalls in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg resulted in river overflows. Some locations even experienced what's known as century floods, and several counties and cities issued disaster alerts. At least six people lost their lives.

The Bavarian state government has pledged financial aid exceeding 100 million euros to those affected. The Interior Ministry in Munich reports that approximately 6,600 people had to evacuate their residences due to the most recent floods. A whopping 60,000 volunteers are still actively participating in flood relief operations.

In Passau, which has endured significant damage at the junction of the Danube, Inn, and Ilz, the situation has been relatively stable since Wednesday. On Thursday, normal school operations were restored in the downtown area.

The initial cleanup efforts have now commenced. However, the flood warning service suggests that the water levels there are decreasing at a sluggish pace due to the persistently high water peak.

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