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The flood crisis in Bavaria is nearing its conclusion.

After approximately 10 days of catastrophic flooding in Bavaria, causing the loss of four lives and leaving one person missing, residential areas are being cleared up as damage costs reach billions.

Rubber boots stand in front of sandbags in the old town. The flood information service expects the...
Rubber boots stand in front of sandbags in the old town. The flood information service expects the flood situation in Bavaria to end soon.

No danger detected. - The flood crisis in Bavaria is nearing its conclusion.

The flood situation in Bavaria is nearing its conclusion, as stated by the flood warning service (HND) of the state. By Thursday, the final Danube levels will no longer reach the alert levels. Although higher alert levels are expected for a few more days at the Altmuehl, Amper, Starnberger See, and Ammersee, it's anticipated that the flood crisis will end soon.

Wednesday witnessed the last Bavarian municipality, the Donau-Ries district, canceling the disaster alert. While clean-up activities were in progress across the areas ravaged by the floods, cellars were being drained, and damage assessments were being conducted. The number of victims in Bavaria held steady at four, with a 22-year-old firefighter still unaccounted for.

2 billion euros in insurance-covered damages

The Bavarian Interior Ministry reported that approximately 84,000 individuals were working to address the consequences of the flood since its onset. Over 7,000 people had to be evacuated due to the flooding. The German insurance companies roughly estimate that the monetary losses in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg caused by the floods will amount to approximately two billion euros. However, the total damage inflicted by the floods within the Free State is yet to be determined.

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