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The Federal Agency for Civic Education reports a high usage of the Wahl-O-Mat.

Upcoming European Elections in 2024

A huge banner promoting the European elections at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
A huge banner promoting the European elections at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

The Federal Agency for Civic Education reports a high usage of the Wahl-O-Mat.

The Federal Center for Political Education is experiencing an unprecedented level of engagement with its Wahl-O-Mat tool for the European election. This handy resource has been utilized over ten million times by citizens, breaking previous records four days prior to the ballots being cast. In the 2019 EU election, the Wahl-O-Mat was used 9.8 million times.

Wahl-O-Mat was introduced for this year's European election on May 7th. It allows users to compare their personal views with those of the various political parties by answering 38 questions spanning various political fields. Similarly, there are other similar offers available for state and federal parliamentary elections. During the 2021 federal election, a staggering 21.3 million individuals used the Wahl-O-Mat.

Wahl-O-Mat has been in operation since 2002, with the primary goal of educating and motivating young voters. To date, it has registered more than 125 million uses across federal, European, and state elections.


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The success of the Election-O-Mat in the European elections has set a new record number of uses, surpassing the 9.8 million recorded in 2019. This record-breaking usage is not limited to the Federal Center for Political Education's Wahl-O-Mat but also extends to similar tools used in state and federal parliamentary elections. The Wahl-O-Mat, initially launched in 2002, has now been utilized over 125 million times across various elections, showcasing its long-term impact on education and voter engagement.

