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The FDP impedes funding for security organizations or departments.

Lack of Most Critical Preventive Strategy Identified

The German administration's "security plan" encompasses diverse initiatives, which comprise...
The German administration's "security plan" encompasses diverse initiatives, which comprise modifications in firearms legislation and expanded authorities for law enforcement agencies.

The FDP impedes funding for security organizations or departments.

The federal government's security package is under scrutiny, as the German Judges' Association alleges that the FDP is hindering financial investments in security agencies. According to Federal Managing Director Sven Rebehn, speaking to the editorial network Germany, "The security package proposed by the traffic light coalition is incomplete without the most crucial element." He emphasized that strengthening law enforcement is the key to enhanced security.

With an increasing workload, authorities and courts find it challenging to keep pace. Rebehn criticized the FDP for obstructing the Greens and SPD's proposal to invest heavily in well-equipped security agencies and a robust legal system in collaboration with the states. He remarked that without such investments, mere knife bans and a few enhanced police powers can hardly ensure domestic security.

Rebehn urged Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner to "at last lift his foot off the brake and prepare the ground for a joint investment initiative with the states by the traffic light coalition." He argued for a "true transformation in security."

The aforementioned "security package" is being discussed in the Bundestag today. The federal government introduced it following the suspected Islamist-inspired attack that resulted in three fatalities at a city festival in Solingen. The package includes various provisions, including amendments to the weapons law, enhanced capacities to combat extremism and terrorism, and new regulations relating to residence rights.

Rebehn continued his criticism of the FDP, stating that their actions are hindering the necessary financial investments for security agencies as part of the federal government's security package. Despite the FDP being a member of the traffic light coalition, their obstructive behavior towards the Greens and SPD's proposal might hinder the achievement of a "true transformation in security."

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