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The FDP calls for an end to providing citizenship allowances for Ukrainian refugees.

The decrease in the arrival of Ukrainian refugees is observed.
The decrease in the arrival of Ukrainian refugees is observed.

The FDP calls for an end to providing citizenship allowances for Ukrainian refugees.

According to the FDP, Ukrainian refugees shouldn't automatically receive citizen's income anymore. As stated by General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai to Reuters in Berlin, "Support under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act would be more suitable." Djir-Sarai commends Brandenburg's Minister President Dietmar Woidke, an SPD member, for voicing a similar opinion in "Der Spiegel."

In Djir-Sarai's words, "If the federal SPD wishes to adopt their colleague from Brandenburg's sage advice, we can do so right away." Djir-Sarai agrees with FDP's stance on this matter. The purpose of such a move, as suggested by the FDP, would be to foster work incentives. The General Secretary remarks, "It's indeed shocking to find out that relatively few Ukrainian refugees in Germany are employed, compared to other European nations."

With a shortage of labor and skilled workers, this situation is a missed opportunity, Djir-Sarai believes, urging swift action. Woidke had previously stated in "Der Spiegel" that offering automatic citizen's income to Ukrainian refugees after the war was necessary due to the need for immediate assistance. However, he questioned whether this form of aid remains relevant today. In other EU countries, a higher percentage of Ukrainian refugees are employed, and Woidke emphasized the need for a change. Such a shift would benefit the economy, as Germany requires workers, and facilitate integration.

Djir-Sarai advocates for shifting away from automatic citizen's income for Ukrainian refugees, suggesting that "Incentives to work" could be more effective in encouraging employment. Woidke, too, agrees that the current aid might no longer be relevant, given that a higher percentage of Ukrainian refugees in other EU countries are already employed.

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