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The Eurozone's foreign trade recorded notable growth.

Positive trade balance

Containers in the port of Liverpool: The UK ceased to be a member of the EU single market and...
Containers in the port of Liverpool: The UK ceased to be a member of the EU single market and customs union in 2021.

The Eurozone's foreign trade recorded notable growth.

In the European Union, trade is heating up. The exports of the Eurozone's 20 countries to the rest of the globe saw an impressive 14% increase in April compared to last year, reaching a staggering €247.6 billion, according to Eurostat. Imports also grew slightly by 1.8% to €232.5 billion. Consequently, the Eurozone posted a trade surplus of €15 billion, as the amount shipped out surpassed that brought in. Experts had predicted a surplus of €20 billion.

Europe's shipments to the United States skyrocketed by almost 22% to €45.9 billion within the last 12 months. The surplus with the American economy hit a record €17.1 billion. But China presented a different scenario, with a deficit of €21.1 billion, as the region imported about twice the amount it exported, which stood at €20.2 billion.

Eurostat Press Release

  • Eurostat Announcement
  • Reuters Article

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