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The EU Parliament re-elected Roberta Metsola as President

During the European election, right-wing parties made significant gains. However, there are no changes to the leadership of the European Parliament at present.

Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament
Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament

Maltese Christian Democrat - The EU Parliament re-elected Roberta Metsola as President

The Members of the European Parliament have re-elected Roberta Metsola as their President. The 45-year-old politician from Malta received a sufficient majority in the first round in Strasbourg for another two and a half years in this position. She belongs to the Centre-Right alliance EVP, which clearly won the European election in June. CDU and CSU from Germany are part of the EVP.

Metsola received 562 out of 623 valid votes. Her opponent Irene Montero could only convince 61 MEPs. She was sent into the race by the Left-wing fraction.

Roberta Metsola wishes for a "strong parliament"

"I want to contribute to closing the gap between the expectations of the people towards Europe and what we are able to deliver", said Metsola before the European Parliament. She will advocate for a "strong parliament" that "pushes through the laws that our citizens want and need".

Metsola was first elected as the successor of the late Italian David Sassoli as President of the European Parliament on 18th January 2022. The 45-year-old is the third woman in this prestigious position and has studied European Law. She has been a Member of the EU-Parliament since 2013.

In her address to the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola expressed her desire to bridge the gap between the public's expectations of Europe and the deliverables. She emphasized the need for a "strong parliament" that can efficiently pass laws beneficial to the citizens. Following her election as the President of the European Parliament in January 2022, Metsola succeeded David Sassoli, who was also from the European Union, and served as a Member of the European Parliament since 2013. Her achievements have been significant within the context of the European Union, particularly in her role in the Centre-Right alliance EVP, which emerged victorious in the European election in June, with the CDU and CSU from Germany being prominent members.

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