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The EU is suggesting a substantial shift in its asylum regulations.

Rejection at Customs Boundaries

TheCDU leader, Friedrich Merz, labeled the migration summit as unsuccessful following its second...
TheCDU leader, Friedrich Merz, labeled the migration summit as unsuccessful following its second session.

The EU is suggesting a substantial shift in its asylum regulations.

Following the unsuccessful migration summit between the administration and CDU/CSU, the Union party intends to submit its own border rejection proposal to the Bundestag. This proposal, titled "Advocating for a True Shift in Asylum and Migration Policy - Enforcing Border Rejections in Germany," outlines the Union's stance on the current migration and security crisis.

The Union cites Article 72 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, arguing that Germany's exceptional situation, characterized by a severe migration and security scenario, warrants comprehensive border rejections. They contend that this measure is not only legally valid but also feasible and imperative given the present circumstances. Unfortunately, the federal government has yet to put forth a similar proposal.

After the first round of talks with the coalition government and the federal states regarding a joint migration policy approach, CDU leader Friedrich Merz deemed the discussions unproductive. Addressing ZDF's "Markus Lanz" program, First Parliamentary Managing Director of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Thorsten Frei, stressed the significance of border rejections as a critical component of a comprehensive solution.

The Union advocates for the direct rejection of asylum seekers at the border, even those whose applications have yet to be submitted. Currently, only foreigners with entry bans or those who fail to submit asylum applications are being turned away.

FDP politicians have also expressed support for rejections. FDP general secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai told the "Bild" newspaper that the FDP aligns with the Union's stance on migration and is open to implementing their proposals cooperatively. "Now is the time to halt the procrastination," Djir-Sarai emphasized, urging the Union and its chairman, Friedrich Merz, to resume negotiations.

The Union party plans to present their border rejection proposal to the German Bundestag, as mentioned in their proposal titled "Advocating for a True Shift in Asylum and Migration Policy - Enforcing Border Rejections in Germany." During the discussions about a joint migration policy approach, the First Parliamentary Managing Director of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Thorsten Frei, highlighted the importance of border rejections.

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