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The EU Commission presently does not deem suitable circumstances for expulsions to Syria.

Majority of EU Residents Express Anxiety over Safety in Europe.
Majority of EU Residents Express Anxiety over Safety in Europe.

The EU Commission presently does not deem suitable circumstances for expulsions to Syria.

Currently, the European Commission views Syria as unreliable for forced returns. As stated by Peter Stano, spokesperson for EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell, in Brussels on Tuesday, the necessary conditions haven't been met yet. This was in response to a query regarding Syria's potential designation as a safe third country for EU member states in the future.

The preceding context involves Germany's contemplation of resuming deportations to Syria, or Afghanistan, following a knife attack in Solingen that resulted in three fatalities. According to EU spokesperson Stano, fundamentally, it's the Syrian regime's duty and responsibility to establish a secure and orderly environment in the country, permitting refugees to return home with dignity. However, Syria has yet to fulfill these requirements.

Preceding the Solingen attack, nations like Italy, Austria, and Cyprus had proposed reclassifying specific Syrian regions as safe, enabling deportations.

The tragic knife attack in Solingen led to three fatalities and eight other injuries during a city festival on a Friday. The alleged perpetrator, a 26-year-old Syrian, surrendered the following day and was apprehended. Criminal investigations are being conducted by the Federal Prosecutor's Office, suspecting terrorism.

Contrary to German authorities' plans to deport the suspect to his homeland, Syria, he was intended for deportation to Bulgaria. According to EU's Dublin rules, this is the legal process when an individual initially enters the European Union via a particular country. The man, however, couldn't be found by the immigration authorities at his designated residence.

Another EU spokesperson acknowledged the necessity for Dublin system reforms, referring to the asylum agreement adopted in the summer. The objective is to expedite deportations to the initial EU countries of arrival, which often fail to take back refugees.

The Commission has expressed its viewpoint on Syria's unreliability for forced returns, aligning with the European Commission's stance. This issue was raised due to the necessity of meeting certain conditions before Syria can be designated as a safe third country for EU member states.

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