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The desert delivers a stark warning to the south.

There's no contention surrounding the chancellor nomination.

West's Brief Advice to Markus: Steer clear, buddy.
West's Brief Advice to Markus: Steer clear, buddy.

The desert delivers a stark warning to the south.

The heated competition between Söder and Laschet for the Unión's chancellor nomination in 2021 almost led to Scholz's victory. Wüst, the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, cautions Söder not to repeat this blunder this time around.

According to Wüst, Söder is responsible for preserving Unión unity during the chancellor nomination debate. "He's well aware that it's crucial now for us to present ourselves as a strong Unión, so the people can get a better federal government as soon as possible," said the CDU politician in the ARD program "Caren Miosga." "And he's also aware that '21 didn't go well." During the 2021 election campaign, Söder had a tough battle with Laschet for the chancellor nomination, which he eventually lost, though he continued to push for it afterwards; ultimately, the Unión lost the election.

Despite this, Wüst remained composed: "My concerns are relatively manageable." Wüst, the leader of the most populous federal state and the largest CDU state association, is a potential but less likely candidate for the sister parties' chancellor nomination. Merz, the CDU chair, is currently the favorite. Söder has expressed interest in running for the nomination. Both leaders have agreed to decide on the "K" question in late summer, after the elections in three eastern German states. The last of these elections is in Brandenburg on Sunday – and thus also the start of autumn and the end of late summer.

Merz: Decision imminent

Merz announced a decision soon in the evening. When asked if his decision had been made, the Union faction leader said in the ZDF program "Berlin direkt" only: "Soon." The Union isn't hesitating on the question. "Instead, we have a fixed schedule, and we will stick to it," Merz said. Söder and he "will make a proposal, and then the party executive committees of CDU and CSU will deliberate on it."

Previously, there were rumors in CDU circles of significant support for Merz in both the CDU and CSU. The decision will be made with great respect, with the involvement of the CDU state chairmen and possible candidate Wüst. According to a "Bild am Sonntag" report citing party sources, Merz plans to run as the top candidate.

The Commission, composed of CDU state chairmen and potential candidates such as Wüst, will play a crucial role in the decision-making process. It's important for The Commission to ensure unity and present a strong front to maintain public confidence in the Unión's capabilities.

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