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The count of lodgings spent in hotels and other accommodations has diminished.

Germany's Tourism Industry: An Overview

Hotels, inns and guesthouses in Germany have achieved record figures for overnight stays.
Hotels, inns and guesthouses in Germany have achieved record figures for overnight stays.

The count of lodgings spent in hotels and other accommodations has diminished.

The Easter holidays brought weaker business for hotels and other accommodation providers in April this year, according to preliminary results from the Federal Statistical Office. The number of overnight stays, by both domestic and foreign guests, was down by 7.4% compared to the previous year, totalling 37.1 million. There were 3 million fewer stays compared to 2019.

It's thought that this drop could be due to the early start of the Easter celebrations this year. In most of Germany, Easter holidays started in March, causing many families to take their trips earlier and in March rather than April. This resulted in a decrease of 8.9% in domestic guests in April, but a small increase of 0.4% for foreign guests.

March was a remarkable month for the accommodation industry, with a record number of overnight stays being recorded. The total number of stays in March and April combined was 1.2% higher than the previous year.

In the first four months of the year, the accommodation businesses recorded a total of 125.8 million overnight stays. This is an increase of 3.1% compared to the same period in 2019, with domestic guests increasing by 2.6% to 104.5 million and foreign guests increasing by 5.5% to 21.3 million. These figures only consider businesses with a minimum of 10 sleeping places or 10 camping spaces.

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The decrease in overnight stays during April might influence the overall accommodation establishments in Germany, affecting the number of businesses that cater to tourists seeking overnight stays. Despite the drop in April, the first four months of the year saw an increase in overnight stays compared to 2019, with a significant rise in the number of stays for both domestic and foreign guests in accommodations with at least 10 sleeping places or 10 camping spaces. This positive trend suggests that hotels and other accommodations in Germany may still attract a substantial number of guests.



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