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The Coronamask Case Judgment: Judge Faced Penalty in November

A Weimar judicial official faces accusations of bias in a prominent dispute concerning a compulsory mask policy in educational institutions. This dispute advances to Germany's highest court, the Bundesgerichtshof, with a verdict anticipated in November.

The Highest German Judicial Body is deliberating on a decision pertaining to judicial misconduct...
The Highest German Judicial Body is deliberating on a decision pertaining to judicial misconduct allegations against a local magistrate. (Historical photograph)

- The Coronamask Case Judgment: Judge Faced Penalty in November

The Supreme Court of Justice (BGH) in Karlsruhe is set to deliver a judgment in the appeal case of a judge from Weimar, who was found guilty of judicial misconduct following a ruling on the coronavirus mask mandate, on November 20 (Case No.: 2 StR 54/24). This individual was accused of making his decision subjective and failing to maintain impartiality. He aimed to abolish the mask rule at two schools in Weimar. Despite his initial ruling being overturned later due to lack of authority, the judge was eventually tried for judicial misconduct and given a two-year probation sentence by the Erfurt Regional Court in August 2023. Both the prosecution and the defense have lodged appeals against this judgment.

The judge initially faced trial at the Erfurt Regional Court, which is lower than the Court of First Instance. The appeals against the two-year probation sentence will be heard at the Court of First Instance.

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