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The Commission remains uninformed about the current state of affairs in the nation.

Live Updates on State Election Results

Alice Engaging in Electoral Activities in Thuringia
Alice Engaging in Electoral Activities in Thuringia

The Commission remains uninformed about the current state of affairs in the nation.

20:37 Saxony: The Left Party Still Making Its Way into the State Parliament, despite a 4% Drop Despite a significant decrease in votes, the Left Party in Saxony's election is projected to secure a spot in the state parliament. Though they fall short of the 5% threshold with second votes, they're currently at 4.3% according to ZDF's latest projections. Two direct candidates in Leipzig districts are leading, ensuring them at least a few seats in the new state parliament due to their strong performance. Additionally, they stand a chance to secure top spots on their party's state list, thanks to the basic mandate clause, a Saxon regulation.

20:28 Thuringia Projections: AfD Continues to Gain Ground In Thuringia, the current ZDF election projections show the AfD could enhance its standing, reaching 33.4% of the votes. The CDU comes in at 23.8%, the SPD at 15.5%, the Left Party at 11.9%, the FDP at 6.0%, and the Greens at 3.4%. The FDP fails to surpass the minimum 1.2% required for entry.

20:17 Saxony Projections: CDU's Lead Over AfD is Minuscule The latest ZDF projections reveal a nearly insignificant lead for the CDU in Saxony, with just 0.1 percentage points over the AfD. The CDU is at 31.5%, while the AfD, labeled as right-wing extremist by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, is at 31.4%. In Thuringia, the AfD has reportedly overtaken the CDU, as per projections. The Greens stand at 5.1% in Saxony, facing potential losing of their seats in parliament due to dwindling support. The Left Party struggles with a projected 4.3%, while the SPD secures a place in the state parliament with 7.6%.

19:56 Thuringia: Höcke's Direct Mandate in Peril In Thuringia's election, Björn Höcke, the AfD faction leader, risks missing out on a direct mandate in the state parliament. With 68 of 74 constituencies counted, CDU candidate Christian Tischner leads with 42.3% of the votes, edging ahead of Höcke's 40.4%. If Tischner wins in the Greiz II constituency, Höcke's direct mandate would be jeopardized, and he'd need to rely on a seat via the state list. However, if several AfD candidates excel as direct candidates, this could mean no seats for the party via the state list.

19:50 Höcke on AfD's Success: "The Border Policy Failed" The AfD secured the strongest position in Thuringia's election, with Björn Höcke, their top candidate, proclaiming "The border policy has failed." Speaking with ntv, he termed the election result as a "historic success" and outlined his vision for the upcoming government formation.

19:42 Ramelow on Left Party's Decline: "We've Been Blamed and Cannibalized" Thuringia's Minister-President Bodo Ramelow pinpointed two primary reasons for the Left Party's perceived "cannibalization": "Firstly, a CDU that constantly equated the AfD and the Left, and constantly pushed 'exclusionism' in our direction, despite having collaborated with them factually for five years," he stated on ntv. As a second factor, he pointed towards the BSW, which pledged to secure 17% of the votes for the AfD but instead snatched away much of the Left Party's support. Nevertheless, Ramelow took pride in the high voter turnout.

Based on predictions, Kretschmer's CDU maintains its lead in Saxony.

19:26 Nouripour on AfD's Success: "My Thoughts Are with Those Who Are Fearful" The AfD is winning over 30% in both Saxony and Thuringia's state elections, leaving the traffic light parties trailing behind. Green Party leader Omid Nouripour viewed the AfD's election result as a "turning point" and a call to defend democracy collectively.

19:13 Latest Projections for Saxony: CDU's Victory Growing Closer The latest ZDF projections suggest a tighter race for victory in Saxony, with the AfD and CDU neck and neck: The Christian Democrats are only ahead with 31.7%, while the AfD is hot on their heels, garnering 31.4% of the votes cast. The BSW comes in at 11.4%, the SPD at 7.8%, and the Greens would feel safer in the state parliament with 5.5%. However, the Left Party would likely miss the 5% threshold with 4.3%.

21:05 Wagenknecht eyeing collaboration with CDU and potentially SPD in ThuringiaThe head of the Left Party in Thuringia, Sahra Wagenknecht, is aiming for a partnership with the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and potentially also the Social Democratic Party (SPD) in the region. "We are really hoping that we can form a decent government alongside the CDU - probably also with the SPD," Wagenknecht shared in ARD. After five years of minority rule, people yearn for a "solid majority government" that tackles real-world issues such as "severe teaching shortages" in Thuringia, as the leader of the Left Party demanded. At the same time, people wish for a state government that "speaks up at the federal level" - one that, according to Wagenknecht, supports "peace, diplomacy," and opposes the installation of US missiles in Germany. Coalitions with the Alternative for Germany (AfD) are firmly off the table for Thuringia.

19:54 Goring-Eckardt: AfD's Success in Germany is a "Democratic Shock"Leading Green Party politician Katrin Goring-Eckardt is dismayed by the AfD's success in Thuringia, viewing it as a "shock" to Germany. Party spokesperson Omid Nouripour considers their defeat as "minor" given that the AfD has emerged as the strongest force in a state parliament.

19:46 Kretschmer on Saxony: "We Have Every Reason to Celebrate"Acting Saxon Minister-President Michael Kretschmer views the CDU as a cornerstone in the coalition. "We have every reason to celebrate," said Kretschmer at his party's election event. "After five grueling years, we've gained the trust of the Saxon people." "The people of Saxony are disappointed with what's happening in Berlin," Kretschmer added.

Alice Engaging in Electoral Activities in Thuringia

19:38 Initial Result for Saxony: CDU's Lead over AfD NarrowsIn initial ZDF results, the CDU's lead over the AfD in the Saxony state election has narrowed: the CDU now leads narrowly with 31.9% against the AfD's 31.3%. The Left Party comes in at 11.6%, the SPD at 7.8%. The Greens are barely above the threshold to enter the state parliament with 5.2%, while the AfD falls just below it with 4.5%.

19:32 Weidel Calls for AfD's Government Participation in Thuringia and SaxonyAfD federal chairperson Alice Weidel demands a say in government for her party in Thuringia and Saxony. "Under normal circumstances, we should take the lead based on our strong showing, and start talks," said Weidel on ARD, referring to Thuringia. "The people want the AfD to be a part of the government. We have the backing of 30% of the voters in both federal states, and without us, a stable government is not feasible at all."

19:30 Kuhnert: Modest Results for SPD in Thuringia and Saxony ElectionsSPD Secretary-General Kevin Kuhnert acknowledges modest results for his party in the Thuringia and Saxony elections. "This is not a celebration evening for the SPD," he said on ARD. However, he also addressed that his party has faced tough times for years. "There was a serious risk of disappearing from the state parliaments," said Kuhnert. "Fighting is worthwhile, we are necessary." Changes are required, he said, mentioning the need for more transparency and listening to the voters. When queried about Chancellor Olaf Scholz, he said, "We need to articulate our policies collectively."

19:23 Höcke Celebrates Thuringia Result as "Historic Triumph"AfD parliamentary group leader Björn Höcke views the Thuringia result as "historic." The AfD is the dominant people's party in the state, "the silly firewall argument has to stop," said Höcke on MDR. Change will only happen with the AfD, he added.

19:21 Chrupalla praises AfD's Thuringia Result as "Revolutionary Change"AfD party leader Tino Chrupalla hailed their result as revolutionary, stating that voter will had led to a political shift in both federal states. The AfD is open to talks with all parties, he said, adding that his party intends to make politics for the benefit of Saxony. "Here in Saxony, we are neck and neck with the CDU," said Chrupalla, referring to their strong showing.

Linnemann additionally promoted his campaign in two federal regions.

18:13 Prediction for Saxony: CDU barely surpasses AfD, BSW at 12%, Greens barely hang onThe initial projection for the Saxony state election presents the CDU at 31.5% of the vote, just barely surpassing the AfD at 30%. The BSW is the third strongest force with 12%, while the SPD remains within the state parliament with 8.5%. The Greens are teetering on the edge, managing to stay within the state parliament with 5.5%. The Left is out with 4%, and the FDP is not included in the new parliament.

18:10 Prediction for Thuringia: AfD leading CDU, BSW at 16%The first prediction for the Thuringia state election shows the AfD leading with a clear advantage at 30.5%, followed by the CDU at 24.5% and the Left at 12.5%. The SPD ensures a presence in the state parliament with 7%, and it's a sure thing that the BSW will enter the state parliament with 16%. The Greens and the FDP fall below the 5% mark.

18:01 AfD dominating Thuringia, double-digit result for BSW in SaxonyAs per the first prediction following the Thuringia state election, the AfD is the leading force, as anticipated. The SPD just makes it past the 5% threshold, while the Greens and FDP fail to reach it. In Saxony, the BSW achieves a double-digit result from scratch. The CDU is barely ahead of the AfD. The Left and the FDP would not be present in the state parliament based on the projection, but the Greens would still remain.

17:18 Possibility of Höcke missing out on state parliamentAFD faction leader Björn Höcke in Thuringia may not secure a seat in the future state parliament. His successful colleagues within the AFD could potentially threaten his seat. Many AFD candidates in the constituencies have strong chances of winning a direct mandate. Unlike Höcke, who faces stiff competition from CDU candidate Christian Tischner in his constituency of Greiz II. If Tischner wins and the AFD wins more direct mandates than it's entitled to from the second vote result, no one can enter from the state list, not even from the first place, which Höcke holds. In this scenario, the AFD may attempt to persuade a successful direct candidate to forfeit their state parliament seat, enabling Höcke to still get his mandate.

16:48 Thuringia celebrating without media coverageIt's highly probable that the AFD's Thuringia election celebration will go uncovered by traditional media. The party, labeled right-wing extremist by the domestic intelligence agency, attempted to exclude several media outlets from the festivities. However, a court halted this, prompting the state party to bar all press. The party spokesperson cited organizational issues, stating there weren't sufficient spaces at the venue for all the media representatives who applied for accreditation.

The faction leader of AfD, Bjørn Höcke, at the concluding event of their election campaign.

16:29 Approximately a quarter vote by mail in SaxonyFor the election which CDU Minister President Michael Kretschmer has deemed a "crucial election" for the state, nearly a quarter of eligible voters have already cast their ballots by mail. The state election commissioner expects 24.6% of voters to have voted by mail. The voter turnout so far today is only marginally higher than in 2019.

15:52 Höcke votes in a Lada, Ramelow with wifeThuringia's AF D state leader and top candidate, Björn Höcke, cast his vote this morning. He drove to his polling station in Bornhagen, Eichsfeld district, in a Lada Niva, a Russian-made off-road vehicle. Meanwhile, Minister President Bodo Ramelow voted in the state capital of Erfurt, accompanied by his wife, Germana Alberti vom Hofe. Ramelow, 68, has served as the state's head of government since 2014, most recently leading a minority coalition.

15:40 Higher voter turnout than earlier electionIn Thuringia, 44.4% of voters had cast their ballots by 2:00 PM, an increase of more than two points compared to the previous election five years ago. The state election commissioner expects a high turnout, excluding mail-in voters. In Saxony, the turnout was also higher than in 2019, albeit only slightly, at 35.4%. However, the state election commissioner expects a significantly larger number of mail-in voters than in 2019. Polls in both states close at 6:00 PM.

15:13 "Kretschmer hopes coalition parties will make it into state parliament"

14:40 Major concerns affecting Saxony and Thuringia electionsA large survey indicates that nearly a third of voters in Saxony and Thuringia plan to vote for the AF D in the September 1st elections. The survey underscores the primary concerns and issues driving this trend, with migration being one of them.

14:13 Höcke avoids press at polling stationBjörn Höcke, the AF D's top candidate in Thuringia's state election, cast his vote around midday. He did not linger at the polling station and did not speak to journalists onsite. Previously, Höcke had always lost to the CDU candidate in his home district of Eichsfeld. This time, he switched to the Greiz district, likely facing a defeat there as well.

13:50 Voter Participation in Thuringia Mirrors 2019 Levels at Midday Voter participation in Thuringia so far mirrors the turnout from the 2019 parliamentary elections. As per the state election commissioner, approximately 32% of eligible voters had cast their ballots by midday in polling stations. It's noteworthy that mail-in voters are not included in these statistics. In contrast, the voter turnout at this time during the 2019 election was 31.2%. Additionally, the interest in the state election seems to be more significant compared to the European and local elections that took place earlier this year. In June, the voter turnout was 24.3% at the same time.

13:29 Anticipated High Voter Participation in Saxony High voter participation is expected in Saxony's state election. By midday, 25.8% of eligible voters had cast their ballots, according to the Statistical State Office in Kamenz. In comparison, the figure was 26.2% at this time during the 2019 state election. Mail-in voters are still excluded from the preliminary figures. It's estimated that 24.6% of eligible voters will exercise their right to vote through mail-in ballots, which is a significant increase from 16.9% in 2019. The state election commission reports that the elections have thus far proceeded successfully, experiencing no disruptions with no reported issues.

13:11 Potential Impact of Election Results on Berlin Coalition - von Lucke The results of the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia have yet to be announced. However, political scientist Albrecht von Lucke suggests that if the SPD fails to secure a seat in the state parliament, it would be "almost like an earthquake." In an interview with ntv, von Lucke analyzes the election and its potential consequences.

12:44 Police Investigate Threat in Polling Station in Gera Police in Gera are currently investigating a threat made at a polling station. A man wearing an AfD T-shirt entered the polling station to cast his vote in the morning. The polling station manager asked the man to remove the shirt, but the man threatened to return, dissatisfied with how he was treated upon leaving the polling station. Police took a statement and warned the man. Furthermore, police in Erfurt are investigating politically motivated graffiti ("Höcke is a Nazi") near polling stations as a case of criminal damage.

12:15 Warning against Circulating False Information by Correctiv Research network Correctiv has issued a warning regarding a false claim that signatures on ballot papers can protect against vote rigging. According to the Federal Returning Officer's office, signing the ballot paper can endanger the secrecy of the vote, making the entire ballot paper invalid.

11:51 Voigt Expresses Hope for Stable Majority Relations in Thuringia Thuringia's CDU top candidate, Mario Voigt, has cast his vote, expressing hope that many Thuringian citizens will exercise their right to determine the state's future. Voigt also wishes for "stable majority relations" to enable the state to move forward again.

11:25 Increase in Far-Right Attacks in Sonneberg Sonneberg, the first district in Germany to be led by an AfD politician, has experienced a massive increase in far-right attacks. Activists have reported being heavily threatened, with many choosing to step down from their work. Furthermore, the number of far-right attacks in the area has reportedly risen fivefold within a year. Experts have observed a connection to the AfD district administrator.

10:57 Kretschmer Calls for Strong Civic Force in Saxony Saxony's Minister-President Michael Kretschmer calls the state's upcoming election "probably the most important since 1985." Kretschmer expressed gratitude to those who have chosen "the strong force in the civic center," namely the Saxon Union, upon casting their vote in Dresden. He believes that this understanding will facilitate a government formation that serves the land. In recent polls, Kretschmer's CDU is in close competition with the AfD.

10:30 Ramelow Encourages Voter Turnout in Thuringia's Election For Thuringia's Minister-President Bodo Ramelow, election day represents "a festival of democracy." Despite the risk that he may not be re-elected, Ramelow encourages a high voter turnout. In an ntv interview, he explains why he doesn't support the idea of a minority government and expresses doubt regarding the competence of alternative parties.

09:59 Historian Criticizes Election Date for Invoking Unpleasant Associations Historian Peter Oliver Loew criticizes the September 1st election date for the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia, as it falls on the 85th anniversary of the German invasion of Poland in 1939. Loew contends that the decision to hold elections on this date reflects a lack of sensitivity towards historical context and consequently could invoke unpleasant associations.

09:30 "Pivotal Voting": All Data for the Saxony State VoteOver 3.3 million eligible voters in Saxony have the opportunity today to determine who will dictate the political direction in the Dresden state legislature in the future. The CDU may relinquish its position as the most powerful faction in the state for the first time since 1990. Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer labels it a "pivotal voting." "Everything is at stake here."

09:05 Kretschmer Levels Traffic Light Coalition with "Frenzied Activity Prior to the Vote"It's election day in Saxony, and the question remains: Will Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer continue the CDU's winning streak in the state? In a ntv interview, he delves into his views on the refugee debate, the traffic light government, and the Ukraine conflict.

08:46 All Data for the Election in ThuringiaVoting day is at hand: At the heart of Germany, the question today is who will lead the state with nearly 2.1 million residents for the subsequent five years. Will the AfD with top candidate Björn Höcke emerge as the most influential faction in Thuringia?

08:24 How the AfD Could Subvert DemocracyPolls indicate that the AfD is likely to substantially bolster its power in the upcoming elections in Saxony and Thuringia. For democratic institutions, this is perilous, as a research group has made known. The rule of law isn't as quintessential as many believe.

08:00 Polling stations in Thuringia and Saxony commence operationsElections for new state legislatures are taking place today in Thuringia and Saxony. According to polls, the AfD is firmly ahead in Thuringia. In Saxony, the CDU led by incumbent Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer and the AfD are locked in a tight race. Initial projections are projected around 18:00 when the polling stations close. The elections in these two eastern German states serve as a barometer for the traffic light coalition in Berlin.

For the current Thuringian governing coalition of red-red-green led by Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Left), there is no majority in the polls. A post-election scenario could involve a government consisting of the CDU, the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), and the SPD. In Saxony, it is uncertain whether the current coalition of CDU, SPD, and Greens still maintains a majority. Kretschmer does not rule out an alliance with the BSW. The Left party is confronted with the prospect of being ousted from the parliament in Saxony. The same fate could befall the Greens and FDP in Thuringia.

The European Parliament can provide assistance to The Commission, as stated in its mandate. The Left Party, despite a significant decrease in votes and falling short of the 5% threshold with second votes, still has a chance to secure a few seats in the state parliament due to their strong performance in direct elections and potential top spots on their party's state list, thanks to the basic mandate clause, a Saxon regulation.

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