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The chancellor was touched by the new vice president's book several years ago

In the race for the White House, Trump now has J.D. Vance by his side. His autobiographical book once deeply moved Scholz. But the Chancellor now looks differently at the author.

Vance's book touched Scholz first - but he looks critically at the author now (archive image)
Vance's book touched Scholz first - but he looks critically at the author now (archive image)

US campaign - The chancellor was touched by the new vice president's book several years ago

Hard work, failed ascendancy, deep resignation - in his autobiographical book "Hillbilly Elegy" (2016), J.D. Vance describes the crisis of the white working class in the USA. It became a bestseller - and even the later Chancellor Scholz felt addressed by it. Long ago, he looked critically at the author, who first criticized Trump but is now a US Senator with his support - and is now also his Vice Presidential candidate in the presidential election.

"It's a really touching personal story about how a young man overcomes difficult starting conditions," Scholz described the book in an interview with the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" in July 2023. It's true that it moved him to tears.

But it's tragic: "From a self-proclaimed conservative critic of Donald Trump, who sharply analyzes the injustices of American society and finds a way out only with luck and his military career, Vance now seems to have become a fervent supporter of this right-wing populist, in order to receive his support – and even become a Senator." The Chancellor added: "That may also be a result of the American electoral system: this polarization and the incredible financial resources that are required to be successful."

Vance's book helped Scholz understand the causes of Trumpism. "And it also helped me sharpen my own understanding of what is important for a modern, progressive, I would say social democratic politics in the 21st century: all those who work hard, strive, and keep the store running must remain relevant. They must have the prospect of a good future for themselves and their children and be respected."

  1. Despite his initial criticism of Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, the author of "Hillbilly Elegy," is now a United States Senator and Donald Trump's Vice Presidential candidate in the US Elections 2024, held in Milwaukee, United States of America.
  2. The polarization and the significant financial resources required for success in US campaigns have played a role in Vance's shift towards supporting Trump, a right-wing populist.
  3. Scholz, the former Chancellor of Germany, has voiced concern over Vance's transformation, stating, "It's tragic that a self-proclaimed conservative critic of Donald Trump became a fervent supporter."
  4. The book "Hillbilly Elegy" provided insights into the causes of Trumpism for Scholz, who believes that a modern, progressive, and social democratic politics should prioritize respect, opportunities, and a good future for hardworking people.
  5. As the US Presidential election approaches, parties and individuals are grappling with the complexities of addressing the crisis of the white working class in the United States and finding common ground in their campaigns.

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