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The Central Council of Jews expresses concern over the success of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

Josef Schuster cautions that the achievements of populist parties in the European elections should make all democratic forces consider the situation carefully.

The President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany: Josef Schuster.
The President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany: Josef Schuster.

Upcoming European vote - The Central Council of Jews expresses concern over the success of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

The Central Jewish Council voices concern regarding the significant performance of populist parties in Germany's European elections.

Josef Schuster, President of the Council, remarks, "The fact that both right-wing and left-wing populist groups amassed about 20% of the votes in Germany's European Parliament election is a cause for concern." This is not just about protesting, he adds. "The alarming showing of the AfD, with its clear connections to extreme right-wing ideology and top candidates' links to oppressive regimes, is particularly distressing."

The AfD managed to secure the second-highest votes nationwide with 15.9%, while the new coalition led by Sahra Wagenknecht received over 6.2% of the votes.

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