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The CDU considers border controls at Poland necessary

After the EURO football championships, certain fixed controls at the Polish border remain unchanged. The Greens in the Brandenburg state parliament criticize this, but the coalition partner CDU sees it differently.

Halt border controls at the Polish border further necessary: Brandenburg's CDU-Faction Leader Jan...
Halt border controls at the Polish border further necessary: Brandenburg's CDU-Faction Leader Jan Redmann (archive image)

refugees - The CDU considers border controls at Poland necessary

The fixed controls at the German-Polish border are, according to Brandenburg's CDU faction leader Jan Redmann, necessary for the foreseeable future. "We see that the number of refugees via the Belarus route has decreased significantly this year compared to the previous year," Redmann said in Potsdam. "It is already clear that we will need to maintain border controls at the German-Polish border until the EU has effectively implemented its asylum reform." This is planned until 2026. The Green party in the state parliament is against this and calls for a stop at the Polish border.

Controls continue at the German borders to Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, and Poland to limit irregular migration and combat smuggling crime. They are temporary for Poland until December 15. The reinforced controls at the German-Danish and Benelux states' borders, introduced for the Football European Championship, will not be extended. New temporary controls have been introduced at the German-French border due to the Olympics in Paris.

The Greens in the state parliament demand an end to the permanent controls at the German-Polish border. Permanent border controls are not justifiable, said Green faction leader Benjamin Raschke. A lot of personnel is being tied up there.

  1. Jan Redmann, the CDU faction leader in Brandenburg's State Parliament, advocates for the continued fixed controls at the German-Polish border.
  2. Redmann acknowledged a decrease in refugees entering Germany via the Belarus route this year compared to the previous one.
  3. According to Redmann, the EU needs to effectively implement its asylum reform before Germany can consider relaxing border controls at the German-Polish border.
  4. The Green party in the state parliament opposes the continuation of border controls at the Polish border and calls for a halt to them.
  5. Benjamin Raschke, the Green faction leader, criticized the use of a large number of personnel for permanent border controls at the German-Polish border.
  6. Jan Redmann, a notable figure in German politics, is engaged in discussions about border control policies, particularly at the German-Polish border, which is near Frankfurt (Oder) in Brandenburg and close to Poland, including cities like Potsdam and border regions in Brandenburg and neighboring Brandenburg state, Berlin.

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