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The bundle will have more speed with new weapons factories

All are waiting for Germany

Freedom should be threatened from within and without, warned Economics Minister Habeck.
Freedom should be threatened from within and without, warned Economics Minister Habeck.

The bundle will have more speed with new weapons factories

Following the example of LNG terminals, the construction of weapons factories in Germany should become faster. The German government is working on a strategy for a modern defense industry. Spokesperson for Economic Minister Robert Habeck stated this. "It is being worked on in several departments."

The German government intends to improve Germany's defense capabilities with further measures. Spokesperson for Economic Minister Robert Habeck stated this. "Details were not disclosed." According to "Handelsblatt," in the strategic paper for the modernization of the defense and security industry, there are reportedly plans for accelerated approval procedures for the construction of weapons factories in Germany. Following the example of LNG terminals, the legislator could reportedly shorten deadlines and limit objections from citizen initiatives, the newspaper reported. Citing government circles, it was further reported that the participants plan to adopt the paper still in August in the Federal Cabinet.

Habeck called for Germany to take a more dominant role in Europe in the face of growing geopolitical threats. "Freedom is threatened from within as well as from outside," said the Vice Chancellor, referring to the growing populism and protectionist tendencies in the newspaper. "Europe is waiting for Germany. But no one in the world is waiting for Europe."

In order for Germany to take on a more important role in Europe, Habeck believes that more solidarity is needed in society. "I know that in times of election campaigns it sounds like empty talk," explained the Green politician, who is considered a favorite for the Green chancellor candidacy. "But there is an 'ur-gene,' to be solidary." Only then can "Germany assert itself in the face of the changed world situation," said Habeck.

The armaments industry is also under consideration in Germany's modern defense strategy, as mentioned by Robert Habeck's spokesperson. The strategic paper reportedly includes proposals for accelerated approval processes for weapons factory construction, drawing parallels with LNG terminals.

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