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The Bundeswehr demands more troops for NATO objectives, according to a recent report.

Personnel goal not met as demand outpaces supply

German soldiers during a NATO exercise. Last year, the Bundeswehr shrank to 181,500 soldiers.
German soldiers during a NATO exercise. Last year, the Bundeswehr shrank to 181,500 soldiers.

The Bundeswehr demands more troops for NATO objectives, according to a recent report.

The German military, known as the Bundeswehr, aims to boost its manpower to 203,000 troops. However, according to a recent report, this number is not enough to fulfill the obligations of NATO. It is reported that thousands more soldiers are needed.

The Bundeswehr needs to be greatly enhanced in terms of personnel in order to align with the revamped defense plans of NATO, according to undisclosed defense ministry documents. The alliance expects its members to supply "approximately 75,000 additional male and female soldiers." According to "Spiegel."

NATO's plans are projected to lead to an increase in Germany's military personnel target from the current 203,000 soldiers to "towards significantly over 272,000" men and women in the armed forces. A Defense Ministry spokesperson could not confirm the figures.

Pistorius to Introduce Conscription Model

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius plans to unveil his proposal for a conscription model next week. Over the past few days, the minister has held confidential talks with members of the Bundestag about his ideas. As individuals who attended the gatherings told "Spiegel," the plans involve giving 18-year-olds a questionnaire. They must provide information about their fitness and interests and indicate whether they could see themselves in the Bundeswehr. Women are not required to complete the questionnaire, but men are; those who don't could face a fine.

In Germany, conscription was halted in 2011. Despite a push to recruit more soldiers, the Bundeswehr decreased to 181,500 soldiers last year. Pistorius had various versions of a service requirement analyzed. If the Bundestag declares a tension or defense emergency, conscription will be reinstated with no known prerequisites for doing so.

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