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The blood and the fist of Donald Trump: This photo decides the election

Blood and Faith of Donald Trump

The blood and the fist of Donald Trump: This
The blood and the fist of Donald Trump: This

The blood and the fist of Donald Trump: This photo decides the election

Experienced Photographer Evan Vucci Took the Picture That Could Have Decided the US Elections Early: It is an iconic image for history books.

Donald Trump is the next President of the United States because of this photo. It is a perfect image in every way. The photo was taken by Evan Vucci. His eye has produced iconic images before, he has received the Pulitzer Prize and is an experienced war photographer.

75 seconds after the shot, he managed to get it. He had to circle around the stage first: "What are they going to do next?", he asked himself and then cleared the only escape route for Trump. His experience from Iraq and Afghanistan helped him stay calm, the photographer told CNN. And: "Composition and light must match".

Unbridled Will to Win

But technology also plays a role: Today's cameras have a swiveling screen that makes photographing above the line of sight easier. They can take high-resolution rapid-fire image sequences almost without limitation, and the autofocus clings to the subject's eyes. If you look at how Vucci worked that day, you can see that these things also played a role.

The famous photo is not only the work of a great photographer, but it could only have come about due to the presence of mind of the former President. After being hit on the ear, Trump's bodyguards rushed to shield him from further projectiles. They wanted to pull Trump out of the line of fire, but he shouted "wait, wait". Despite the fact that he had just narrowly avoided a deadly headshot, Trump now wanted to throw a fist and shout "fight! fight! fight!".

This requires presence of mind, an unbridled will to win, and not least courage: Trump couldn't know at that moment if the bodyguard still had more bullets. He knew that the crowd wouldn't hear him well, but he knew that they could read "fight!" from his lips. Trump is the king of media competence, an unparalleled image tamer. Communication means uniting the target audience behind you in the decisive moment. That's what makes the "defining moment" special. Trump's media instincts deserve respect from even his most ardent enemies.

A Picture, a Message

A picture is iconic if it embodies a message and, most importantly, nothing else. A picture that can speak for itself. A picture that stimulates the cultural memory of people and follows aesthetic principles at the same time.

A photo can represent reality in the most interesting way without meeting these criteria. For example, the photo on which the trajectory of the bullet is visible will be quickly forgotten: it needs to be explained to be felt. Vucci's photo of Donald Trump will be etched in the annals of photography history.

The photo is taken from the hero's perspective, for technical reasons: that is, from below, making Trump seem to rise into the sky. There's not much on the photo: on some variations of other photographers' shots, you can see teleprompters or parts of the stage jutting deep into the image, distractions that limit the visual impact - reasons why photographers like Vucci avoid such distractions or, if it's not about press photography, remove them with Photoshop.

Trump, the Savior [

Freedom leads the people

(The last part of the text seems to be incomplete, so I cannot translate it accurately without additional context.)

The message of the image is simple: Trump is the relentless fighter against deceitful enemies encircling him and his supporters, a Savior. A fighter raises his fist, the danger is apparent through blood and the Secret Service agents surrounding him. And he suffers. For whom? Naturally, America, as evidenced by the waving Star-Spangled Banner in the background.

This image imparts Trump a nearly messianic aura in the photo. Indeed, for his supporters, this image is very fitting. The most fanatical among them portray the former President as superheroes in sensual images or even as Saviors: Among evangelical Christians, Trump is being stylized as a Warrior in a Holy War for Christianity and America. These people will view this photo as confirmation of their fantasies. He is even compared to Neo from The Matrix, another Savior who can stop bullets with a hand gesture.

The simplicity and aesthetics of the image extend to the color palette: black, white, red, orange, and blue - nothing more. The colors of the American flag reflect in the blood and the podium and the blue of the sky. One would have had to paint it, if it were a painting. On the famous work "Liberty" by Eugène Delacroix, for example, the colors of the French tricolor are reflected in clothing and gunpowder smoke.

A gift for the Republicans

That this photo will become a campaign piece for the Republicans is only to be expected. It will be printed on T-shirts and mugs, like Shepard Fairey's "Hope" poster was before. For the Republicans, it is a gift: First, the narrative of an active Joe Biden has given history a hand. Now, history bestows hero status upon Trump.

In the medium term, a much broader narrative could spread based on this photo: namely, that the disinformation allegations of the American Left were calculated attacks against the Trump camp. The fact that I happen to be in the United States at this moment is purely coincidental. When I show this Trump photo to my part-American, rather Democratic-leaning family, their initial reaction is: "That's just an inszenierung!" (At this point, practically nothing was known about the circumstances.)

The image is too iconographic to be true - but it is true. In its truth lies the real power for the Trump camp. Everything they have concocted seems to come true all at once.

Trump's media shadow

What's next? The assassination attempt on Trump casts a massive media shadow over the Democratic campaign, from which it is hardly possible to emerge. In August, the Democratic National Convention takes place, where they will officially nominate their candidate. They may have therefore gained some time to reorganize themselves after the disastrous Biden performances. However, in the coming weeks, everything revolves around the blood and the fist of Donald Trump.

It is hard for fact-oriented observers that a photo could decide such an important election. However, it is not the first time this has happened.

The 'Hope' poster influenced Barack Obama's presidential campaign in 2008.

In the US Presidential Election 2024, supporters of Donald Trump may heavily utilize the iconic photo of him raising his fist during the 2022 incident, further enhancing his image as a relentless fighter and savior. This photograph, captured by Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Evan Vucci, embodies a simple yet powerful message: Trump standing against deceitful enemies, thereby maintaining his almost messianic aura among his followers.

As the 2024 elections approach, former President Joe Biden may face challenges in distance-creating from the shadow of this memorable photo, potentially impacting his campaign narrative and strategy.

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