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The Biden administration is anticipated to reveal fresh proof demonstrating RT's significant part in Russia's international spy activities.

The Biden administration is set to reveal a substantial initiative on Friday, aiming to counteract RT's global impact and unmask what it accuses to be RT's significant part in Russia's global intelligence and manipulation activities, as per a senior administration authority and three other...

In reference to the year 2018.
In reference to the year 2018.

The Biden administration is anticipated to reveal fresh proof demonstrating RT's significant part in Russia's international spy activities.

The United States government will unveil declassified intelligence findings indicating that RT is deeply entwined with Russian intelligence operations on a global scale and initiate a diplomatic initiative to share information with nations about the hazards linked to RT's actions, according to an official.

A significant intelligence discovery by the U.S. suggests that for over a year, the Russian government has discreetly inserted an intelligence-gathering unit into RT, dedicated to global influence operations. A source familiar with the matter revealed this activity as part of U.S. officials' depiction of a substantial expansion of RT's function as a tool and spokesperson for the Kremlin abroad. This activity surpasses propaganda and covert influence operations, reaching into military procurement, as per the source.

The main objective of the U.S. is to inform countries about the collaboration between RT and Russian intelligence agencies in their endeavors to stir up discord and harm democratic processes, simultaneously making it significantly more challenging for RT to operate internationally, the official said.

CNN has demanded a RT response, while the State Department did not promptly reply to a request for comment.

This emphasis on the worldwide activities of RT and its affiliates, acting on behalf of Russian intelligence, follows only a week after the Biden administration announced a sized series of actions to counter similar Russian government-backed initiatives targeting the 2024 U.S. presidential election within the U.S. The Department of Justice (DOJ) publicized criminal charges against two Russian nationals, sanctioned ten individuals and entities in connection with these efforts, and seized 32 internet domains.

U.S. diplomats aim to capitalize on upcoming events, such as the UN General Assembly gathering, to establish a coalition of nations to confront this challenge.

Previously known as Russia Today, RT manages television and online platforms worldwide, advancing the Kremlin’s viewpoint. Following US intelligence officials' determination that the media outlet contributed to Russian attempts to manipulate the 2016 election, the U.S. Department of Justice mandated RT America to register as a foreign agent in 2017.

The U.S. asserts that RT propaganda and disinformation have played a crucial role in generating pro-Russia responses to the Ukraine conflict globally, according to a high-ranking administration official.

Upon Russia's invasion of Ukraine, RT was banned in the European Union, and in the U.S., its channel is not publicly broadcast. However, RT broadcasts have been increasing in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa.

The U.S.-led campaign to target Huawei, a Chinese telecoms equipment manufacturer, stared during the Trump administration and continued under President Joe Biden, is seen as a template for how US officials plan to tackle RT globally. By leveraging a global effort to convey that the company is a tool of the Chinese government, the U.S. succeeded in convincing many nations to shun Huawei's equipment.

The U.S. decision to share intelligence about RT's involvement with Russian intelligence operations is a direct response to the use of politics for global influence, aiming to discourage other nations from engaging with RT. The Biden administration's actions against RT are part of a broader strategy to combat foreign interference in domestic politics.

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