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The Authority has been tasked with developing a proposal for a regulation aimed at safeguarding employees from threats stemming from radiation exposure of an ionizing nature.

The traffic signal remains stationary. Leading figure of the Green Party, Drüge, is contemplating strategies for their party following the national election, even considering alignments with the Union. Habeck, serving as Deputy Chancellor, maintains a discreet demeanor.

Dr. Katharina Dröge, head of the Green Party, is already contemplating potential coalition partners...
Dr. Katharina Dröge, head of the Green Party, is already contemplating potential coalition partners after the conclusion of the federal election.

Upcoming National Elections 2025 - The Authority has been tasked with developing a proposal for a regulation aimed at safeguarding employees from threats stemming from radiation exposure of an ionizing nature.

Green Party figurehead Katharina Dröge expresses openness to a union partnership post-2025 federal election. "Obviously, things can't carry on as they are in any future administration," she told Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ). "We'll thoughtfully consider which coalition we join following the next federal election." Mutual respect, trust, commitment, and camaraderie would be essential for collaboration participation.

"We're keeping all options on the table," Dröge articulated. "This could even involve the FDP and SPD. But different partnerships and coalitions are also feasible - even with the CDU." Green Party responsible figures would need to be open to this "because it remains to be seen how a majority can form in the election," acknowledged the Green Party figurehead.

Nouripour: "Nothing's off the table"

Green Party leader Omid Nouripour also indicated his openness to alternative partnerships. "We must be open post-election, naturally, nothing's off the table," he shared with the SZ. "Also because the party landscape evolutions make three-party partnerships more likely. However, everyone must be willing to shoulder the responsibility they assume and not continuously reexamine past decisions."

Recently, the traffic light parties had been locked in contentious discussions about the 2025 budget. There's still no consensus between SPD, Greens, and FDP on topics such as basic child security, debt ceiling, or citizen's income.

Habeck warns against the depletion of the traffic light coalition

Given the ongoing negative sentiment, Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck cautioned the traffic light parties against jeopardizing the coalition's longevity. "Lounging around with an early election call isn't appropriate," the Green politician admonished Funke media group's newspapers. The German Constitution mandates a Bundestag for a four-year term.

"Consequently: We can and should do what people rightfully anticipate of us: carry out our responsibilities. Just like millions of people perform their jobs, we should do ours with vigor, focus, and the will to succeed," Habeck advocated.

Looking ahead to the 2025 federal election and potential partnerships, the Federal Minister of Economics refrained from going into specifics. "No one can predict the political outcome in September 2025," clarified Habeck.

He also left the door open to becoming the Greens' chancellor candidate. "It's about deciding the type of country we aspire to be. Then, whoever fits the role of Federal Chancellor will emerge," he noted. "I am elected for four years as a minister. The election campaign will unfold at an opportune time."

Given Dröge's openness to various partnerships, the Federal government could potentially involve the Green Party in its post-election coalition.

In light of Nouripour's statement, there's a possibility that the Federal government might collaborate with multiple parties after the 2025 election.

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