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The appeal of the Monstera plant lies in its unique and captivating appearance.

Five Reasons to Own a Single Houseplant

The Monstera is showcased on social media.
The Monstera is showcased on social media.

The appeal of the Monstera plant lies in its unique and captivating appearance.

Trends are fleeting but houseplant trends seem to be a permanent fixture, one of them being the Monstera, known for its large, deeply-grooved leaves.

The Monstera, often referred to as the Swiss cheese plant due to its distinctive appearance, has become a staple in homes all over the world. With its impressive leaves that can grow up to 50 centimeters long, the Monstera has clearly made a mark on society. It is a popular choice among influencers, interior designers, and even hobby gardeners, among others, who showcase it on social media platforms like Instagram for the world to see.

The Monstera isn't just a pretty face, it's also used as a design element. The leaves show up on wallpapers, wall paintings, posters, cups, T-shirts, and various other items. It has managed to keep pace with other short-lived internet trends, thanks to its vibrant green color and unique appearance. Why, you may ask?

Firstly, the Monstera is an easy-to-care-for plant which makes it attractive amidst the trend of having houseplants. It's no longer just a green accessory, it's an essential part of the overall home aesthetic. The appreciation for gardening at home has been on the rise for quite some time now, and it seems that the plant is one step ahead of the trend.

As more people prefer healthy, sustainable living and as the use of technology for daily tasks increases, there is a renewed focus on bringing nature indoors. Trend expert Ursula Geismann explains, "When you feel insecure or overloaded, your home is transformed into a retreat. It's about something analog, real and tangible - a contrast to the strong digitalization of our lives."

2. The Monstera is the star of the 'jungle' room trend

The Monstera isn't just a houseplant, it's a significant feature in the current 'jungle' room trend. People want their living spaces to be full of life and greenery, hence large indoor plants that require lots of room to climb and grow are in demand. This wasn't always the case; back in the day, it was acceptable to have just a few small pots of plants on the windowsill, but that's not enough anymore.

3. Instruction on creativity with the Monstera

The Monstera is not only a statement piece on its own, but it can also be used as an accessory. It's often the focus of interior design trends that show off creative ways to decorate and style the plant. This newfound appreciation for the Monstera has seen it featured in various social media trends like #urbanjungle and #monsteramonday. It has become not just a plant, but a symbol of style, demonstrated by the many pictures of decorated Monsteras shared online.

"The Monstera is photogenic, and that helped it" explains Jürgen Herrmannsföhr of the Association for Room Design and Hydroculture. The fact that people want to share pictures of their beautiful homes adorned with plants on social media has played a significant role in the Monstera's success. There's no surprise furniture companies use the Monstera to showcase their products in showrooms - they share the images online and find themselves flooded with requests for the plants.

4. Easy to propagate and share

It's not just about the leafy friend to enhance the home's decor, the Monstera can be multiplied in a relatively hassle-free way. The Monstera is one of the popular showpieces of the 'stem cutting' gardening method. Simply take a branch off the plant and insert it into water or directly into the ground, and voila - you have yourself a brand new plant. It's not only a great option for those who want to expand their collection without much gartenwissenschaft skills, but it's also a fun and personal way to gift plants.

"The stem cutting method is traditional and sustainable, and is often used by millennials. The idea of growing your own, rather than just buying, seems attractive," says Herrmannsföhr. Not only are folks sharing their own creations on social media, but large companies are also getting in on the action.

5. The Monstera's sustainability is an asset

Gardening industry expert Herrmannsföhr reveals one more reason behind the Monstera's popularity: its ability to be green without being a cut flower. Flowers need to be replaced regularly, while a Monstera will stay fresh and pretty for an entire season. So, it's not just a trendy, totally Instagrammable houseplant, but it's also a sustainable and long-lasting alternative to the short-lived cut flower. Herrmannsföhr believes it's here to stay: "The Monstera trend will last at least five to six years. The sales figures prove it."

The Monstera's continued popularity is not just a fad, it's a sign of its versatility as both a houseplant and an interior design element. It's easy to see why the Monstera has captured the imagination of so many, and why it remains a must-have addition to the modern home.

In the end, here's a piece of advice: You'll often find large Monstera leaves at interior design events, where furniture isn't just being sold, but creative ideas are being shown. These leaves can be seen in big vases on dining or side tables, replacing many fresh-cut flowers. A Monstera branch can last for quite a while in water before it starts to develop roots and become a long-lasting gift.

The deep notches on the leaves are characteristic of the Monstera.

Read also:

  1. The Monstera's popularity amongst influencers and hobby gardeners has extended its reach beyond traditional gardening circles, with many showcasing it on social media platforms like Instagram, contributing to its international fame.
  2. The Monstera's unique appearance in botany, characterized by its large, deeply-grooved leaves, has inspired trends in home decor, influencing the design of apartments and homes globally.
  3. As the Monstera becomes increasingly popular on social media, many are learning about its easy propagation through stem cuttings, creating a new wave of gardening hobbyists and followers of the 'Botany on Instagram' trend.



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