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The Alternative for Germany party has a lead in the Brandenburg state election.

Initial information about the local elections

Around 2.1 million voters aged 16 and over: Super election Sunday in the state of Brandenburg.
Around 2.1 million voters aged 16 and over: Super election Sunday in the state of Brandenburg.

The Alternative for Germany party has a lead in the Brandenburg state election.

In the recent Brandenburg municipal elections, it's evident that the AfD is set to become the dominant party in the state. This comes as a result of preliminary findings during the vote counting process. The SPD, Left, and Greens are experiencing major setbacks in eastern Germany. Although the CDU is making slight gains on a local level, they remain second place, with a considerable gap from the AfD. The AfD now holds the majority in several Brandenburg district councils.

Brandenburg is currently undergoing a political test in the lead-up to the coming state election this fall. With municipal elections taking place in various districts, cities, and towns, the AfD is reporting significant victories in multiple areas, as early interim results indicate. The Social Democrats, Left, and Greens face considerable losses.

The 744 seats in the 14 district councils, spread across Prignitz, Uckermark, the Spree-Neiße district, and Elbe-Elster, were up for re-election. Additionally, there were city council elections in Potsdam, Frankfurt (Oder), Cottbus, and Brandenburg/Havel. Furthermore, 409 municipal council and city council seats in smaller cities, along with full-time mayors in Mittenwalde (Dahme-Spreewald), Groß Pankow, Gumtow (Prignitz), and Angermünde, Lychen, and the community of Uckerland (all Uckermark), were also being elected. A runoff election in Premnitz (Havelland) and various other roles, such as honorary mayors and mayors, local councilors, and local chairwomen and chairmen, were determined by the voting process.

Approximately 20,000 candidates were listed in the Brandenburg elections. The total number of eligible voters, as provided by the state election commission, was around 2.1 million. The Communal Election Act stipulates that all German citizens and all EU citizens residing in Germany are allowed to vote in Brandenburg.

The polling stations in Brandenburg closed at 18:00. An early, reliable outcome of this election isn't anticipated, as authorities have already indicated. It may take a few days before the official final outcome can be released. Typically, election helpers conduct votes for the European elections before tackling the counting of votes for the municipal elections.

Over 20,000 individuals were nominated as candidates in the Brandenburg elections. Approximately 2.1 million individuals were considered eligible voters by the state election commission. In accordance with the Communal Election Act, all German and EU citizens with their primary residence in the country have the right to vote in Brandenburg.

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