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The Alternative for Germany (AfD) emerges as the largest political force in the eastern region during European elections.

Significant defeat for the Greens.

AfD leader Tino Chrupalla before casting his vote in Gablenz in eastern Saxony.
AfD leader Tino Chrupalla before casting his vote in Gablenz in eastern Saxony.

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) emerges as the largest political force in the eastern region during European elections.

In the upcoming state elections in the Eastern part of Germany, the European election is considered a crucial gauge of public sentiment. Based on an analysis, the AfD stands out as the dominant player in this region, garnering a whopping 27.1% of the votes, an impressive 7.5 percentage point rise.

The CDU still holds a strong position, earning 20.7% of the votes, a minor reduction of 0.4 percentage points. On the other hand, the Sahra Wagenknecht Bloc, previously non-existent, has made a stunning entrance, capturing 13.1% of the votes. In contrast, the SPD suffers a setback, losing 1.2 percentage points and now stands at 11.4%.

The Greens bear the brunt of the losses, slipping by 7.4 percentage points and arriving at 6.4%. The Left also endures a severe decline, losing 7.2 percentage points and settling at 5.5%, while the FDP reports a fall of 1.6 percentage points, resulting in a 3% share.

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In light of the strong showing of the AfD in the European elections, some political analysts are predicting that the party could make significant gains in the upcoming regional elections in East Germany. Interestingly, AfD also has its roots in East Germany, initially forming as a response to the political landscape there.

