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The Alliance is focusing on influential figures promoting Islamist ideologies

Adolescents are embracing extreme ideologies independently.

ISIS attracted supporters through their online persona a few years back.
ISIS attracted supporters through their online persona a few years back.

The Alliance is focusing on influential figures promoting Islamist ideologies

Following the incident in Solingen, there's been an increase in demands for stricter measures against Islamic propaganda on the web. The Federal Government's Commissioner for Migration, Reem Alabali-Radovan, emphasized in Berlin the importance of focusing on messaging services and social media platforms. She expressed her concerns about how hate preachers and influential Islamic figures utilize these platforms to target young people.

The Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) has also voiced concerns about the rise of radicalization among children and young adults by Islamic extremist groups, based on a report from Watson. According to the BKA, the risk level of Islamic terrorism in Germany remains high, and many individuals are being radicalized solely through online means. The emotional intensity of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the humanitarian situation on the ground contribute to this radicalization, which Islamic groups exploit for their propaganda.

Green politician Lamya Kaddor also advocated for tighter regulations of social networks. During an interview on Phoenix, she warned about "turbo-radicalization," a rapid process of radicalization that occurs within a few weeks. She argued that it's unacceptable for crimes to be meticulously planned via platforms like Telegram and for perpetrators to coordinate their activities there. Consequently, she suggested that platform operators should be held accountable.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Justice Minister Marco Buschmann also urged for more power to be given to security authorities. Baerbock stated to the RBB broadcaster that security agencies should have greater access to information if it is evident that planning for the most heinous crimes is occurring on social networks. Buschmann called for "everything that fosters radicalization" to be combated within the net, as well, during an interview on ARD.

The Islamic State, notorious for its online propaganda, has been identified as a significant source of radicalization. Following the proposal for stricter measures against Islamic propaganda, concerns have arisen about the role of The Islamic State in exploiting social media platforms to spread hate and influence young people.

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