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The AfD party plans to file a lawsuit in Essen's Grugahalle.

Political group fights back against dismissal.

In addition to an application for a temporary injunction, the AfD filed a complaint against the...
In addition to an application for a temporary injunction, the AfD filed a complaint against the mayor of Essen.

The AfD party plans to file a lawsuit in Essen's Grugahalle.

At their upcoming convention in late June, the AfD intends to choose a new executive board. Unfortunately, the city of Essen has voided the contract for the venue due to the party's refusal to promise against using Nazi slogans during the event. However, the AfD is still determined to proceed with their plans and has filed a legal action to override this decision.

The AfD filed suit against Essen's cancellation of the venue rental contract for their annual June convention, as mentioned in a recent statement from the Essen District Court. The goal is to obtain the Essen Grugahalle for the AfD's party convention from June 28 to 30. No further details on the case were released by a court press officer when questioned. A discussion about the case is scheduled for the coming Monday during an oral hearing in the responsible chamber. The upcoming convention is intended to elect the party's executive board.

The city revoked the contract because the AfD didn't provide the required supplement to the 2023 rental agreement, as stated in the announcement. The party was expected to ensure that no illegal Nazi slogans were used during the event. Should this have occurred, the city could have imposed a fine of 500,000 euros. Last week, AfD Vice Peter Boehringer criticized the city for breaking the law. He argued that it's impossible to predict and block every potentially controversial comment among the 1800 event participants and guests. On Telegram, Boehringer reaffirmed his commitment to the convention, insisting that "the party convention will still take place."

Besides the Landgericht case, a lawsuit at the Verwaltungsgericht Gelsenkirchen is also anticipated. A lawyer representing the AfD confirmed this news to a court spokesman. Additionally, the AfD has filed a complaint against Essen's Mayor, Thomas Kufen, according to a spokesperson for Essen's prosecutor's office.

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