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The AfD party initiates legal proceedings over the cancellation of their party conference venue.

The AfD intends to host its annual gathering in Essen during late June. However, the venue for the event has been revoked due to a cancelled rental agreement. The party is now pursuing legal measures in response.

"No, the party conference will not be canceled": Peter Boehringer.
"No, the party conference will not be canceled": Peter Boehringer.

The AfD, as they've stated, intends to pursue legal action for the cancellation of their rental agreement for their party congress venue in Essen.

In an interview with the German Press Agency in Berlin, party vice-chairman Peter Boehringer remarked, "We are now compelled to file the necessary lawsuits against the termination and the questionable political and legal actions of the city." He further added, "We've already initiated legal steps, including urgent court proceedings."

The AfD plans to hold their federal party congress in the Grugahalle in Essen later in June, where they'll be electing their new party board. Essen terminated the rental contract due to the AfD's failure to provide the necessary declaration in the 2023 rental contract, promising not to use any Nazi-related slogans during the event.

Boehringer had previously stated on Telegram that the party congress would not be cancelled. He emphasized that they would be taking "legal action and full program" to challenge the termination, as AfD leader Tino Chrupalla said to Bild. Boehringer also expressed to dpa his opinion that the city of Essen is defying the law and argued that "predicating the prevention of legally suspect speech in advance at a meeting with 1,800 participants and external visitors is impossible."

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