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The AfD is the most powerful political force in the eastern regions.

The right-wing populist party, AfD, had an impressive 27.1% vote share in eastern Germany, making them the most powerful political force in the region's federal states.

The two AfD leaders Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel celebrate the results of the European elections...
The two AfD leaders Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel celebrate the results of the European elections together with AfD candidate René Aust at the AfD party headquarters in Berlin.

Upcoming European polls - The AfD is the most powerful political force in the eastern regions.

The right-wing populist party Alternative for Germany (AfD) is now the most powerful group in the eastern regions of Europe, as per calculations by German broadcaster ARD. In the recent European election, the AfD secured 27.1% of votes in eastern federal states like Berlin. Coming in second were the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) with 20.7%, and the United Left (Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht) with 13.1%, which got more than double the votes in the east than they did nationwide.

Compared to 2019, the AfD saw an increase of 7.5 percentage points in the east, while all other major parties, except for the steady CDU, experienced declines. The Greens suffered the most, with only 6.4% of the votes in the east - a drop of 7.4 percentage points. The Social Democratic Party (SPD) lost 1.2 percentage points and secured 11.4%, and The Left endured significant losses, falling to just 5.5% with a decrease of 7.2 percentage points. The Free Democratic Party (FDP) also experienced a decrease, getting only 3% of the votes, down 1.6 percentage points from before.

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