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Thanks to rain: Lake Garda fuller than it has been for a long time

A year ago, some people were worried about Lake Garda because of an extreme drought. Now it is fuller than it has been for almost half a century. Why is that?

Lake Garda is currently fuller than it has been for a long time.
Lake Garda is currently fuller than it has been for a long time.

Water level - Thanks to rain: Lake Garda fuller than it has been for a long time

The Garda Lake - one of the most popular travel destinations for Germans in Italy - is as full as it has been in almost half a century during a summer. The water level in Peschiera, located in the south of the lake, was 1.46 meters above the hydrometric zero point on a Wednesday due to heavy rainfall in the past days. The last time such a value was reached was in 1977.

In 2023, the water level was almost one meter lower.

The previous year, some had worried that the Garda Lake, after a long period of drought, might dry out in some places. The water level was almost one meter lower at that time.

However, due to heavy rainfall at the beginning of the summer season, the water level rose by ten centimeters within a week. This corresponds to a water volume of 50 million cubic meters. In some areas in the region, more rainfall was recorded since the beginning of the year than in 2022 and 2021 combined.

All beaches are open

Tourism officials assured tourists that the high water level would not cause any inconvenience. The Communita del Garda stated: "All beaches are open, and shipping is running regularly." However, hotel and beach owners are concerned about their businesses due to the heavy rain. They hope that it will improve in July.

The water level is the height of the water surface above a pegelnullpunkt - this is at 64.027 meters above sea level. It does not correspond to the actual water depth - the largest lake in Italy is on average more than 130 meters deep.

  1. Despite initial concerns about the Garda Lake drying out in some areas, the water level rose by ten centimeters within a week in 2022 due to heavy rainfall at the beginning of the summer season.
  2. The high water level in the Garda Lake, a popular travel destination in Italy, has not caused any inconvenience for tourists, as assured by tourism officials, with all beaches remaining open.
  3. ships are running regularly, according to the Communita del Garda's statement.
  4. While the high water level in the Garda Lake has been beneficial in replenishing the water supply, hotel and beach owners worry about the potential impact on their businesses and are hoping for improved weather conditions in July.

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