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Texas experiences golf ball-sized hailstorm.

Most likely the largest mass encountered thus far.

According to storm chasers, the lump of ice was exactly 17.78 centimeters long.
According to storm chasers, the lump of ice was exactly 17.78 centimeters long.

Texas experiences golf ball-sized hailstorm.

This past weekend, Texas witnessed an onslaught of massive baseball-sized hailstones. One particularly large one, however, was discovered by storm chasers Andi and Amy Castor, who work for the Oklahoma City television station, KWTV.

The gargantuan piece of ice was found in the Texas town of Vigo Park. According to reports from the Castors, it measured an astounding 17.78 centimeters in length. This revelation has left some experts speculating that it could potentially be the largest hailstone ever found in the Lone Star State. The previous largest, a 16.25-centimeter stone, was uncovered in 2021. The record for the heaviest hailstone in the U.S., weighing nearly a kilogram, was found in South Dakota in July 2010 and boasted a diameter of 27.94 centimeters.

The stunned storm chasers also noted that they had encountered several baseball-sized hailstones throughout their mission. One of these larger stones even managed to shatter the windshield of their car. The colossal hailstone found by the Castors is an area of interest for experts, and further analysis is being conducted to determine its uniqueness.

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The unusually large hailstone discovered in Texas has sparked discussions among international meteorologists about extreme weather patterns. A powerful storm system responsible for the hailstorm is predicted to make landfall in the USA's eastern seaboard, potentially causing additional damage.



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