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Testing ChatGPT-Maker search engine

For months, there have been rumors about a Google rival, ChatGPT's creator OpenAI. Now, there is a prototype, which also builds on cooperations with international media.

SearchGPT should also rely on information from media sources (archive image)
SearchGPT should also rely on information from media sources (archive image)

Competition for Google - Testing ChatGPT-Maker search engine

The OpenAI team behind ChatGPT has unveiled a prototype of their anticipated search engine, designed to provide concrete answers to queries. A "small group of users" have been given test access to it. OpenAI is building SearchGPT on partnerships with media companies.

For months, there have been speculations about whether AI search engines could pose a threat to the market dominance of the industry leader, Google. Smaller rivals of OpenAI have left no traces in Google's business so far. ChatGPT, however, is the most renowned chatbot that has fueled the excitement around Artificial Intelligence. Google, meanwhile, is trying to enhance its search engine with AI capabilities.

OpenAI is convinced that search can be much better than it is today, CEO Sam Altman emphasized. The company aims to learn from the prototype and then integrate the technology into ChatGPT. Altman himself was surprised by how much he preferred SearchGPT to "traditional search".

Among the media companies cooperating with OpenAI are German media conglomerate Axel Springer, Rupert Murdoch's newspaper empire News Corp, and the "Financial Times". It was initially unclear if all previously announced media partners were also involved in SearchGPT. In a press release, News-Corp CEO Robert Thompson emphasized that OpenAI understands that AI search relies on reliable information from trusted sources.

ChatGPT, being a model from OpenAI, might benefit significantly from the improved search capabilities offered by SearchGPT, as it's currently based in the United States of America. The anticipated search engine could potentially challenge the dominance of Google on the Internet, given the excitement surrounding AI-driven innovations in San Francisco. OpenAI's collaboration with media giants like News Corp in the United States highlights their commitment to ensuring that their search engine relies on reliable information.

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