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Termination of Lease Agreement: What Location Will Host the AFV Party Convention?

The AFD has planned a national party conference in Essen towards the end of June, but the city has canceled the event hall rental agreement. In response, the party intends to file a lawsuit.

The AfD wanted to hold its national party conference in the Grugahalle in Essen.
The AfD wanted to hold its national party conference in the Grugahalle in Essen.

Edibles - Termination of Lease Agreement: What Location Will Host the AFV Party Convention?

The city of Essen has officially terminated the rental agreement for the AfD federal party congress at the end of June in the Grugahalle. This news was shared in a statement by a representative from the city. No complaints have been received from the district government, and all issues regarding municipal supervision have been resolved.

The AfD has expressed their intentions to carry out the implementation of their federal party congress legally, despite the rental contract termination. In response to Bild's inquiry, AfD federal spokesperson Tino Chrupalla stated, "Yes, we will sue. That's the plan. All necessary measures have already been taken."

For several months, the city of Essen and the exhibition company have been trying to stop the AfD from holding their federal party congress in the Grugahalle at the end of June.

Sticking to Promises

Recently, the city council requested the AfD to promise that they would not use offensive NS slogans during the party congress. In the event of violations, the city had threatened to impose a fine of 500,000 euros. To submit the declaration, the city had set a deadline for the AfD, and if this deadline was not met, the rental contract would be "immediately terminated without notice," according to the city council resolution.

The requested declaration from the AfD did not arrive within the set deadline, prompting the city to proceed with the contract termination. However, it could not be announced immediately as the AfD had the district government of Düsseldorf, the responsible municipal supervision, involved.

The AfD intends to elect a new board at their federal party congress at the end of June. The event has sparked significant resistance from various organizations. The police anticipate a substantial turnout of protesters - this could potentially be the largest demonstration in the city in years.

Read also:

  1. Despite the termination of the rental agreement for the AfD federal party conference in the Grugahalle by the city of Essen, the AfD party has announced their intention to sue.
  2. Tino Chrupalla, the AfD federal spokesperson, confirmed that legal action is being pursued in response to the termination of the rental agreement for the AFV party convention.
  3. The AfD party conference, scheduled to take place at the Grugahalle in North Rhine-Westphalia at the end of June, will also serve as an occasion for the party to elect a new board.
  4. The city of Essen had set a deadline for the AfD to submit a declaration promising not to use offensive NS slogans during their party congress, failing which the rental agreement would be terminated.
  5. The AfD party conference, which has been the subject of significant resistance from various organizations, is expected to draw a substantial crowd of protesters, potentially making it the largest demonstration in the city in years.



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