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Tenants and property owners will experience simpler installation processes for balcony-mounted energy facilities.

The alignment towards the optimal celestial direction significantly influences the effectiveness of...
The alignment towards the optimal celestial direction significantly influences the effectiveness of a balcony-based power plant.

Tenants and property owners will experience simpler installation processes for balcony-mounted energy facilities.

Making it easier for renters and building owners to install rooftop solar panels on balconies, the Bundesrat has greenlighted necessary legislative adjustments, which were previously agreed upon by the Bundestag. There's been a significant surge in the number of small solar energy systems on balconies recently.

This change encompasses reforms in tenancy law and property ownership law. Previously excluded from the list, portable solar energy devices now fall under the category of structural modifications, granting tenants legal authorization to proceed with installation, provided their landlords or owners don't have legitimate reasons to deny consent.

Moreover, the revised legislation streamlines the process for virtual apartment owner meetings via video conferencing. If approved by a three-quarters majority, future meetings can be entirely conducted online, effectively eliminating veto power held by individual owners.

The new legislative adjustments also include the recognition of 'Balcony power plants' as structural modifications, allowing tenants to install them with their landlord's consent. This expansion in balcony-based renewable energy options could lead to the establishment of numerous 'Balcony power plants' in the future.

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