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Ten missing after landslide and flooding in Indonesia

A dead man

Ten missing after landslide and flooding in
Ten missing after landslide and flooding in

Ten missing after landslide and flooding in Indonesia

After severe flooding and a landslide, rescue teams are searching for ten missing people in an Indonesian village. One body was found on Monday in the village on the island of Sumatra, located on Lake Toba, according to the head of the local rescue authorities. According to him, children are among the missing.

The landslide hit the village on Friday evening after torrential rainfall and dozens of houses were swept away by flash floods. A 78-year-old woman was killed. According to the Indonesian rescue authority Basarnas, around 140 people were brought to safety.

Rescue teams also used boats and divers to search for the missing. They feared that some of the bodies had been washed into Lake Toba, the largest volcanic lake in the world.

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