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Technology from China to largely disappear from 5G networks

Mobile communications are becoming increasingly important in the digital age. The Chinese company Huawei also plays a central role in network expansion in Germany. This is likely to change in a few years' time.

The logo of the Chinese technology group Huawei can be seen at the entrance to its stand at the...
The logo of the Chinese technology group Huawei can be seen at the entrance to its stand at the Mobile World Congress (MWC). (

Huawei and Co - Technology from China to largely disappear from 5G networks

In the dispute over the ban of Chinese technology in German mobile networks, a solution is emerging. According to the dpa, informed sources reported that government representatives and mobile network companies have reached an agreement. A contract for this is still pending - a corresponding signature could already soon follow. Previously, the "Süddeutsche Zeitung," WDR, and NDR reported on this.

Priority for the "Core Network"

In a first step, no components from Chinese suppliers should be allowed in the so-called core network after 2026. With the core network, the data centers are primarily meant, in which data is processed in large quantities. The second step concerns the access network, in which no Chinese technology should be allowed in control systems after 2029 - these are considered the intelligent and therefore critical part of this network. According to informed sources, antennas are not affected by this.

A spokesperson for the Federal Ministry of the Interior stated that the testing of critical components in 5G mobile networks should be completed soon. "There is a decision on further proceedings." The ministry is currently holding talks with all involved network operators. "The Federal Government acts on the basis of the National Security Strategy and the China Strategy to reduce potential risks and dependencies."

Concerns about state access for China

This topic has been hotly debated for years. It is driven by the concern that China could gain access to German mobile networks through suppliers like Huawei. From German politics came demands to ban technology from Chinese providers completely, including removing 5G antennas. Antennas, however, are considered rather uncritical parts of the network because they are only used for transmitting and not for data processing.

Now it looks like the network operators Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone, and O2 Telefónica are coming around the expansion of Huawei antennas. In the debate, representatives of mobile network providers warned against drastic measures, as the quality of the mobile network could deteriorate and Germany could fall behind in the data-driven digital age. Leading telecommunications managers had threatened with damage claims if politics imposed regulations they considered too harsh.

The agreement between government representatives and mobile network companies could potentially influence the future of Huawei in Germany. If the contract is signed, it might lead to restrictions on Huawei's involvement in the core and access networks by 2026 and 2029, respectively. The Federal Government's decision on the testing of critical components in 5G networks is anticipated soon, aligned with their strategies to mitigate potential risks and dependencies. Meanwhile, concerns about state access for China persist, with some politicians advocating for a complete ban on Chinese technology, including Huawei. SZ, WDR, and NDR have previously reported on these developments in German telecommunications.

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