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Teachers should receive more money for overtime

Teachers in ME who work overtime should receive more money in the future. The state makes millions available annually for this. Teaching profession stands to benefit greatly.

Teachers in MV should receive more money for overtime work in the future.
Teachers in MV should receive more money for overtime work in the future.

schools - Teachers should receive more money for overtime

Teachers in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will receive more money for overtime work in the future. This was understood by the partners of an education pact, the Education Ministry in Schwerin announced. From September, a uniform remuneration for all teachers for overtime work is planned for the first time. This amount is intended to be increased again in November and February of the coming year. In particular, this will result in a significant increase for teachers at primary schools compared to the previous remuneration for overtime work.

The necessary ordinance is still in the approval process. Teachers who want to compensate for regularly teaching additional hours in a week later through free time, will in the future have the possibility to deposit these under certain conditions into a long-term teaching hour account. The ministry could not name further details about this account at first.

Education Minister Simone Oldenburg (Left) said: "With the new regulations, we significantly improve the working conditions of our teachers. This makes the teaching service in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern as a whole more attractive." The Education and Science Union (GEW) welcomed this step, which was urgently needed.

  1. The Education Ministry in Schwerin, located in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, has indicated that teachers in this region will work in better conditions due to increased remuneration for overtime work.
  2. The BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) has not been specifically mentioned in the context of this announcement, but they could potentially play a role in supporting or influencing educational policies.
  3. Teachers at primary schools in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are expected to particularly benefit from the upcoming changes in overtime compensation, as they will see a significant increase compared to previous remuneration.
  4. The partners involved in the education pact, including possible representatives from the BMBF, acknowledge the importance of rewarding teachers fairly for their dedication and commitment to working beyond their usual hours.

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